Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I see this guys walking to me , I take him from the back with my dagger.
Jose rodrigez : please don't kill me
Dravek : Shut up , what's youre name
jose rodrigez : it's jose rodrigez.
I felt like I knew that name , I release him.
-Jose rodrigez is youre name eh?
- yee...yeah
-Calm down I won't do you anything , but I'm starving do you have any food?
-no I don't
-We should find a campsite it's getting late.
Dammit, I almost shit myself! This guy almost kills me! And he has no joints. Anyways he has SWAG. We are gonna make a campfire, and see what happens...better be careful, and head to the place I saw smoke before, maybe there's someone there...
㋡ My TB A$AP Homies ㋡
[PS4 - Xx_MeekMill_xX]
I ran as fast as i can when suddenly i caught a weird glimpse i slow my speed and approach it, weird it was my grandpa treasure 4 wooden sword, i become really confuse.Well i'll take it for safety. When i came back at my campsite i'll brought some fruit that it seems edible enough. I can't find that guy anywhere from the last place i left him.
Last edited by Trice; Dec 21, 2012 at 07:01 AM.
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
And then I popped out!
My name is cham and I'm a fucking idiot. I was just wandering around the forest and I saw a campfire. I walked in the tennt and I saw boing having lunch. He was scared to see me at first but we talked and got along.
It weird there is someone in my tent, i hope they were a normal human. "Hey, anyone there?" i run off left the fruit at the ground.I hope i can ask them what happen here
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
-STOP- My name is Jose Rodriguez xD But nice to see you here Cham-
I finally arrive to the tent along with the weird guy. He seems nice thou. We find some food, so we start eating as we were starving. We hear some noises in the outside, I told my friend but he disappeared, leaving no more than ashes...weird...Suddenly, a random guy pops out, he is called chamara...but I call him cham. At first I was scared, but we got along well...I don't tell her about my friend, he might think I am crazy...
Oh! Someone came up, probably the tent owner...I try to go and say hi, but he left running, leaving fruit in the floor...I pick it up and save it carefully inside the tent, I head along with cham to look for him, it's never bad to find a new guy...
㋡ My TB A$AP Homies ㋡
[PS4 - Xx_MeekMill_xX]
"Ah there you are, i think i've seen you somewhere?" i greet a man with a business suit, i swear that he was famous. But i can't remember what is his famous for. "My name is Leonidas Gallant, i guess that you come here because of the smoke signal. Anyway did you see a guy wearing Chef apron?and what the hell is happening here?"
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
-Hey! Yes, I am the CEO of Google, nice to meet you...I don't know where we are! But well, who has the chef apron? know sounds weird...and I don't know what's going on, but better stick together...
㋡ My TB A$AP Homies ㋡
[PS4 - Xx_MeekMill_xX]
As Oliver got closer to the smoke, he realised it was a camp fire. "I better stay in a safe distance" he thought and was hiding in bushes while spying around the camp. He was terrified, that he was gonna be eaten but neither would he survive alone.
Paint me like your french girls
So I was talking to this 2 guys , hearing their stories on how they ended in this planet , I told em about my secret dagger , but that I couldn't go back in time because it was too late.