^ The power of the dots.

Also, yeah its pretty wierd, though its logical.
If you do something satisfying you want to see yourself while doing it.
Especially while you are high, the thc is eating all of your sugar wich makes the pringles even more satisfying, wich explain why you managed to watch yourself for so long. (also you were high lol)
There exist people who enjoy watching themself poop with a mirror in front, my brother was a prime example, though he was like 8-9 years old.

"<Nightin> i only watch gay porn for the plot"
Eroge Expert
I haven't tried that.(watching myself defecate) I don't see why I'd be satisfied, and that was a nice observation about satisfaction and logic, Jelly. I'm still looking into the psychology of it all.
Honestly who cares? People do lots of weird things that don't make much sense at all. This is one of them. I'd guess it's just something to do rather than sit and stair into space while eating.