Originally Posted by Lorrtex View Post
It all started when I ate a bear...
the end.

Be serious or don't post at all. KEVIN HAS SPOKEN.
Hmmm life stories ay?
well i stared off as wee elf..... ahhhh fuck it

I was born and raised well half-raised in canada. (moved to south africa at the age of five) I got tons of tests and shit in old canada so i figured i was either a genius or a complete retard... i never got to see my results /: Anyways I've always been in the top the of my class soooo i guessing it isnt the latter. Although somtimes i seriously doubt it. Also weird fact i went into anger management as a child... must have worked cause i ever get angry now. Well most of the time... Moving on in Canada i moved 3-4 times, the first few i was reaaaalllly little so i cant remember that well. Then after that i moved to South Africa and started believing my family was gypsys because in 5 years we've moved 4 times if you count the move from canada to SA. Anyways other than our hectic moving life I've been a computer nerd my whole life. I'm dead serious about this. at the age of four i could operate a cd-rom drive, insert my game and play. Beat that. As for women it appears gypsys arnt a sexy as one would think, ive had one major girl in my life, she dumped me and yea it sucked.

So thats about it. lots of typing ftw
Made by Fenris
So you've flown a lot? I'm terrified of flying ;_; I did one at the beach in a helicopter and was scared shitless :3

send your outcasts to [Parrot]
Yip I had a few days worth of flight-time under my belt :3, and I'm not scared of flying in the slightest. Condolences to your disabilty.
Made by Fenris
I've flown 6 times or so, 2 of them were 3 hours, 4 of them were 10 hours.

Flying again the 15'th of April for 10 hours.
[RAWR]SlipAnc: two girls, one Siku
[RAWR]Siku: I was talking about having dicks in my mouth
Originally Posted by Dragonbreath View Post
I've flown 6 times or so, 2 of them were 3 hours, 4 of them were 10 hours.

Flying again the 15'th of April for 10 hours.

I always thought this world lacked one until now.
I'm actually know as "MAN-MAN". My secret identity is "MAN".
[RAWR]SlipAnc: two girls, one Siku
[RAWR]Siku: I was talking about having dicks in my mouth
Originally Posted by Dragonbreath View Post
I'm actually know as "MAN-MAN". My secret identity is "MAN".

Not much of a secret anymore huh?

send your outcasts to [Parrot]