
Yeah, but it's black in the cover shot. It looked ok in the gimp spinny, but in the pov ray, it really is too dark :/

I'll brighten it up real fast, but won't be updating until I make more substantial progress
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

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Incognito - [o]

You need to teach me :<
I would have secks with your heads ALL DAY if I could D:
Shin-Ryuu's BanGoat
Hated by all.
Yet still raped.
Zanzy's Hoe Club!
[GATA] [Inq] [doc]lover [GU] [BISH] [r]tard [Addicted]Allie [Doxa]Allie
<Malvie> Zanzaba; only for you, baby.

"Ehh, I'm sorry. I'm just being a dick."
Originally Posted by Zanzaba View Post

You need to teach me :<
I would have secks with your heads ALL DAY if I could D:

Same :v
But without clutterness :P
jk :>
its not cluttered because he's making it functional, adding details where there SHOULD be details, rather adding details shere it looks cool, which is what you have mostly been doing micho.
less is more, well, atleast when u use the shading correctly.

0.2 looks cool, cus the dark part on the visor isnt that dark, not sure if its just the povray that makes it look too black though.
take some screenies
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
I was kidding bend >.>
And no I don't add details anywhere to make it look cool

Well I really love the visor and the bck of the head, can't wait for the rest :>
Well, IMO it looks damn good, but I didn't expect anything less from you, DarkJak.
Sigma | Gata
Lost pet looking for home
Awww thanks guys :')

While I guess the visor isn't TOO dark ingame, I still made an edit to it, to also give it more substance

In the cover, he has little white lines going up and down. I have no idea why they are there, but I also recall white streaks in Viris_Laborors version which I think was made by Nasuke. So I tried it and i think it adds a bit more substance to the visor too.

Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]