Update all the drivers on your PC.

Also Acer lol.

That Lucas guy doesn't know what he's talking about. Gaming laptops don't exist.
Originally Posted by celloman View Post
I'm sorry Kris, but I'm getting an Alienware Aurora.

You should be apologizing to yourself.

Alienware is way overpriced because of the look of the computers. Computers should be practical, not flashy as hell (unless you're rich and it doesn't really matter how much it costs, but even then, I'd make sure the specs were top-notch). Plus, I can guarantee that due to the way they look, Alienware computers have higher risk for theft.

It's like saying, "I'm getting a Rollex!" Sure, Rollex watches are expensive, but I fail to see how they tell time better than an everyday watch. The only difference is in appearance and price.

I've also heard that Alienware computers tend to overheat a lot. Really, do people bother checking the specs and everything? Or do they just look at who made it and say, "Hell yes!"?

/me breathes.
Originally Posted by Rayleigh View Post
You should be apologizing to yourself.

Alienware is way overpriced because of the look of the computers. Computers should be practical, not flashy as hell (unless you're rich and it doesn't really matter how much it costs, but even then, I'd make sure the specs were top-notch). Plus, I can guarantee that due to the way they look, Alienware computers have higher risk for theft.

It's like saying, "I'm getting a Rollex!" Sure, Rollex watches are expensive, but I fail to see how they tell time better than an everyday watch. The only difference is in appearance and price.

-They are expensive but they are amongst the best gaming laptops.
-Why would anybody exhibit their laptop? I wouldn't carry it around like a book..
-Don't compare watches to computers since they are nowadays used merely for appearance. There are plenty of people who can't even tell the time in their watch.

Originally Posted by Rayleigh View Post
I've also heard that Alienware computers tend to overheat a lot. Really, do people bother checking the specs and everything? Or do they just look at who made it and say, "Hell yes!"?

-Overheating is due to careless owners that do not pay attention or thought to what they are doing. The main problem being the kids that play continuously for 2 hours with their overclocked processors running Turbo Boost. They don't even mind fetching a cooling pad for such abuse.
-Alienware has gained a reputation where your "Hell yes!" is common. It's like an exotic car, there will always be a crowd drooling that doesn't have any idea on maintenance or handling of such a machine.


Originally Posted by Tekro View Post
-They are expensive but they are amongst the best gaming laptops.

Could you please cite your sources and reasons for saying this? The problem isn't that they're not good gaming computers, it's that they're more expensive than others on the same level.

Originally Posted by Tekro
-Why would anybody exhibit their laptop? I wouldn't carry it around like a book..

Well, cello just told all of us that he got an Alienware Aurora, so there's a nice chance he'll be telling some people he knows about it. It's a good possibility that the wrong person will hear about it. The worst scenario is the price of the machine getting out.

Originally Posted by Tekro
-Don't compare watches to computers since they are nowadays used merely for appearance. There are plenty of people who can't even tell the time in their watch.

I don't know about you, but I've found my cheap, inexpensive watch very helpful so far.

>mfw i had wrote a giant block of text but i'll shorten it

It's the same as the Apple effect, I can buy a cheap PC that is better than a mac but the mac will cost more because of the looks and because of the people that only buy apple stuff, they think they're better even though they're on the same level as PC

for example, If i get a monster gaming laptop, and a friend of mine gets an Alienware slightly worse than mine, everyone will say "OMG UR FRIEND HAS ALIENWARE WERE IS HE IM SUCK HSI KOK1!" because everyone thinks alienwares are betters that normal PCs that have been built to be gaming PCs
Acer sucks.

I'm currently borrowing my friends fathers computer, it's an Acer... 240p videos on youtube lagg like fuck, and the keyboard is tiny as fuck.

Get yourself an Asus man.
I don't understand much about computers but PC o/
Running Acer Aspire AX3400 at the moment, just a normal computer without any benefits for gaming but still runs most games quite nice.
AMD Athlon II X2 250 dual core processor, 4GB DDR3, 500GB hard drive, ATI Radeon HD 5450.
That's most of the stuff that's on the side of the computer, i don't even understand all of it, lol.
It's All About Expansion
Yeah I would think its overheating just make sure your running kind of cool atleast download speccy or something to keep track of your temperature if its not that it could be some drivers but you said you updated them all :O
#1 Student in the School of Orkology
Orko|Rob9722|Festus|MRootz|UNDEAD21|Deadlybash|Kun amikaii|
Originally Posted by Rayleigh View Post
Could you please cite your sources and reasons for saying this? The problem isn't that they're not good gaming computers, it's that they're more expensive than others on the same level.

Three Random Sources - Google
My reason being that Alienware, as far as factory gaming computers go, has proven to have high performance machines. (I've seen the M17x & M14
Yes, they are expensive. Price doesn't necessarily rely only on it's power.
Example: cars & cellphones.

Originally Posted by Rayleigh View Post
Well, cello just told all of us that he got an Alienware Aurora, so there's a nice chance he'll be telling some people he knows about it. It's a good possibility that the wrong person will hear about it. The worst scenario is the price of the machine getting out.

That's the responsibility of the owner. This problem applies to everything.

Originally Posted by Rayleigh View Post
I don't know about you, but I've found my cheap, inexpensive watch very helpful so far.

I was referring to the comparison you made. I simply stated that wrist watches have recently turned into a fashion toy.


Originally Posted by Tekro View Post
Three Random Sources - Google
My reason being that Alienware, as far as factory gaming computers go, has proven to have high performance machines. (I've seen the M17x & M14
Yes, they are expensive. Price doesn't necessarily rely only on it's power.
Example: cars & cellphones.

For the love of all that is sane, please understand me. Yes, Alienware makes good gaming computers. My point is that they are much more expensive than other computers on the same exact level. I don't know about you, but I'd much rather have a good machine that costs a little than a good machine that costs a lot.