  1. Do you play just 1 game? Or a few? Or do you amass games and play them all? I played a large amount of games, untill my Xbox got screwed. I dont really play as much nowadays.
  2. What genres do you play? Action? RPG? RTS? FPS? Futuristic? Medieval? Modern? Mostly FPS... Some sports games if I my friends are on.
  3. Do you play for competition? To pass the time? Just for fun? To pass time and for fun. Yes I am that much of a lazy ass.
  4. Do you like graphics? The story? The gameplay? The experience? All of them. To be fair I never really payed attention to storylines of games. Kinda makes me feel wierd
  5. What kind of gamers do you look down on? Do you consider yourself to be a gamer? I dont.
  6. What do you think of elitism? I dont pay attention things like that.
  7. What do you think of 'games as art' vs 'games as entertainment'? ^
  8. What do you think of casual games, like Farmville (and any other Facebook game)? Never liked them. And never will.
  9. Anything else you can think of? Like................?
Last edited by Rfifan; Jan 29, 2011 at 01:55 AM.
Many replies

Thanks to everyone who responded, some interesting answers ^^

Originally Posted by 4zb41 View Post
Also Gorman I meant to ask, when you say "games as art" do you mean games which are somewhat like interactive artwork (like fl0w for example) or are you talking about the graphics looking really nice?

Games that are made to be art, rather than for entertainment.

The games I can think of would be Prince of Persia (200, The Path, I guess Flow would be too Perhaps Machinarium, although that takes parts of both worlds.

Consider this:
Fully game

Fully art
The Path

(If anyone doesn't have The Path and enjoys a variety of games, its well worth buying, its $10 on steam and its amazing )
When I see you, my heart goes DOKI⑨DOKI
Fish: "Gorman has been chosen for admin. After a lengthy discussion we've all decided that Gorman is the best choice for the next admin."
Do you play just 1 game? Or a few? Or do you amass games and play them all?

I usually have a few games that I'm actively playing and a few more that I'm "sorta playing." Like that FPS that you never quite finished and you want to get through it.

What genres do you play? Action? RPG? RTS? FPS? Futuristic? Medieval? Modern?

Whatever is fun and/or interesting.

Do you play for competition? To pass the time? Just for fun?

Mostly for fun, but it is a lot of fun to be totally pro at something against people.

Do you like graphics? The story? The gameplay? The experience?

Yes, those are all things that I like.

What kind of gamers do you look down on? Do you consider yourself to be a gamer?

Casual gamers who think they're awesome for playing guitar hero. Yes.

What do you think of elitism?

Elitism is really fun.

What do you think of 'games as art' vs 'games as entertainment'?

It's both. Just like movies, music, books, paintings, sculptures, etc

What do you think of casual games, like Farmville (and any other Facebook game)?

I think they're a waste of time. Why play that "game" when you could play an actually fun one? I do have a soft spot for flash games though. They got me through a lot of classes.

Anything else you can think of?

I don't play super often. I usually just play a few games of starcraft each day, but occasionally I'll go balls deep in games for a whole day.
Last edited by War_Hero; Jan 29, 2011 at 08:17 AM.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
Do you play just 1 game? Or a few? Or do you amass games and play them all?
for console or other single player games, i usually pick a few and obsess over them until i complete everything i want on them, then come back if they have interesting enough gameplay.

What genres do you play? Action? RPG? RTS? FPS? Futuristic? Medieval? Modern?

Pretty much everything, mostly rpg's and tbs/rts at the moment, not very many fps, though.

Do you play for competition? To pass the time? Just for fun?

I'm not a competitive person, just for fun ;o

Do you like graphics? The story? The gameplay? The experience?

Graphics are almost a non concern for me, although extremely upclose pixelated things kind of annoy me. Story only matters to me if it's a game i enjoy, i won't go playing a game for the story alone.

What kind of gamers do you look down on? Do you consider yourself to be a gamer?

Ragers, people that gripe on other people's playstyles, etc. And probably not, i don't have any of the current gen consoles, and my computer is pretty modest, i spend more time watching shows and stuff than playing games.

What do you think of elitism?

It can be a fun thing to do, if you don't go too far, and start looking down on players that don't do everything exactly right, and be super aggressive about it.

What do you think of 'games as art' vs 'games as entertainment'?

I don't see the draw of artistic games, if i want art, i'll go look at some art. :p

What do you think of casual games, like Farmville (and any other Facebook game)?

I don't use facebook, but i have played simmilar "casual" browser games, stuff like Kingdom of loathing, and some older ones i don't remember. They can be a nice way to put away some extra time you might have, and are easier to pick up and put down than other kinds of games.

Anything else you can think of?

That was too close! You were almost a Jill sandwich!


Do you play just 1 game? Or a few? Or do you amass games and play them all?

I've managed to amass quite a lot of games on disc and on steam etc., but I tend to go back to a few old faithfuls (TF2, Portal, Fable..).

What genres do you play? Action? RPG? RTS? FPS? Futuristic? Medieval? Modern?

I play any and all. As long as I find them fun, I'll play.

Do you play for competition? To pass the time? Just for fun?

For fun, mostly.

Do you like graphics? The story? The gameplay? The experience?

I like the experience. I can play a broken game if it has a nice atmosphere.

What kind of gamers do you look down on? Do you consider yourself to be a gamer?

I do consider myself a gamer, but I feel that the term is a bit arbitrary. Hence why I don't really look down on any "kind" of gamer.

What do you think of elitism?

While a bit can be fun, I believe that everyone should have a chance to get better in a game without being berated about their skill from the get-go.

What do you think of 'games as art' vs 'games as entertainment'?

I think some games could be considered art, but these "art-games" should still be playable as a game.

What do you think of casual games, like Farmville (and any other Facebook game)?

Meh. They can be fun for a while.
Last edited by fat0ninja; Jan 29, 2011 at 10:11 AM.
Also going to add that I think elitism is good for being elite for no reason, like a join date. A new player shouldn't be put down simply because they aren't good at the game yet.

Also I rarely finish a game unless it's super short. I'm always quit at like half way through out of boredom.
  1. Do you play just 1 game? Or a few? Or do you amass games and play them all? I play tons of games.
  2. What genres do you play? Action? RPG? RTS? FPS? Futuristic? Medieval? Modern? it doesn't matter to me. (mostly FPS or medieval.)
  3. Do you play for competition? To pass the time? Just for fun? I'm not a n00b, I'm not an ub3rn3rd. I'm a guy who likes to play videogames for fun.
  4. Do you like graphics? The story? The gameplay? The experience? all of the above.
  5. What kind of gamers do you look down on? Do you consider yourself to be a gamer? Yes, I'm a gamer, and I look down apon computer nerds who act tough.
  6. What do you think of elitism? It's gay, and nerdy. Elites will never have sex.
  7. What do you think of 'games as art' vs 'games as entertainment'? Dunno. I like both concepts
  8. What do you think of casual games, like Farmville (and any other Facebook game)? MyTribe, and the virtual villagers' quadrilodgy are the BEST casual games EVAR!
  9. Anything else you can think of? Umm.... World of Warcraft is for nerds?
[EDIT] I'm a very fast learner, and I beat games pretty quickly. Not saying I'm a fantastic gamer, but I'm pretty good :P also, I am a kinect god!
Last edited by Zayex; Jan 30, 2011 at 08:28 AM. Reason: cuz.
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
Do you play just 1 game? Or a few? Or do you amass games and play them all?

I tend to play a few games at a time. Whatever fits my niche for the month or so.

What genres do you play? Action? RPG? RTS? FPS? Futuristic? Medieval? Modern?

Anything goes for me pretty much, so long as it's fun.

Do you play for competition? To pass the time? Just for fun?

I play competitively on CoD and used to for UT2k4, but that's about it. Everything else is for fun.

Do you like graphics? The story? The gameplay? The experience?

Graphics are meh for me. I grew up with a shit computer so I'm used to bad graphics. Story will make or break a single player game for me. If I can't follow it, I tend to lose interest (Assassin's Creed did this on like the second last level, been meaning to finish it). Gameplay means almost everything. A pretty game with a well developed storyline but terrible gameplay might as well be a movie. And if by experience you mean memorable moments, how doesn't that affect your outlook? I still remember jumping out of my seat the first time I was sneaky pounced by a Hunter in L4D :3

What kind of gamers do you look down on? Do you consider yourself to be a gamer?

I won't look down on a gamer. I will look down on a casual gamer claiming to be hardcore. If you can't recognize the difference between you just goofing off with a bunch of friends on your Xbox and playing 3 days straight until your heart just stops, or playing 16 hours a day just practicing for an upcoming competition, you're an idiot.

I consider myself a mix between casual and competitive. I'm primarily casual, just messing with a couple friends on the game of choice, but for a few select games I'm dead serious about winning.

What do you think of elitism?

I don't approve of it, but I'm guilty of it. I get frustrated with campers and noskills occaisionally, and fly off on a tangent.

What do you think of 'games as art' vs 'games as entertainment'?

Games are fine as art, but for staying power I like it if it's still interactive entertainment as well. Otherwise, it's a bit too close to a movie for my liking.

What do you think of casual games, like Farmville (and any other Facebook game)?

Play it if you like but as I said before, don't flaunt your "leet skills" or other bullshit. In fact, don't even talk to me about them. I'd prefer not to have to waste my time.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Zayex View Post
I'm not a n00b, I'm not an ub3rn3rd.
Yes, I'm a gamer, and I look down apon computer nerds who act tough.
It's gay, and nerdy. Elites will never have sex.
MyTribe, and the virtual villagers' quadrilodgy are the BEST casual games EVAR!
Umm.... World of Warcraft is for nerds?
I am a kinect god!

Confirmed for casual ;o

Also about games as art, games make us feel various emotions. Just like other art forms, we experience games and have a reaction to them. I really don't see how they can not be art.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
  1. Now that I think about it, I would describe my gaming as systematically sucking everything I can out of a game, and then moving to the next. Games that fall into this catagory, such as Spore, have no lasting value, so once I'm bored with them, I just stop playing them. There are a few games that stuck with me over the years: Warcraft 3, Halo CE, CIV4, and some others.
  2. Pretty much any genre, time period, plot. If a game as physics and incites creativity, that is a huge bonus. I love having control, and using creativity to play the game.
  3. For fun.
  4. Story doesn't really matter... much. Graphics aren't necessary, but their obviously a bonus if the game has'em.
  5. I seriously look down on people who think CoD is a good game. I would call myself a gamer, yeah.
  6. eh
  7. Gaming is obviously about entertainment, but I always love games that have effort put into them.
  8. I'm not into casual gaming, really.
Hey. Sup