Originally Posted by yinyangsea View Post
dont get army of two it fails you should get GTA4

That is a good Idea.
Grand Theft Auto 4 is really awesome.
[23:19] <HebrewHamr> i'm catholic
Originally Posted by Defqon View Post
BTW PS3 sux

I don't get where all these fanboys come from, both the ones who say the 360 sucks and the PS3 sucks :/ The consoles are pretty much the fucking same. Except for a few exclusives on either side like MGS4 and LBP for the PS3, and then stuff like GOW and Halo for the 360, they both have access to the same games. People rant that XBOX Live is extremely better then the PS3 online, but it really isn't as I've used it before. Maybe a little more in-depth, but it should be since you're paying for it. Then even more people show up saying the PS3 has better graphics, but really, it's a subtle difference and usually you're paying too much attention to the game to even give a shit. If anything I'd just pick the PS3 over 360 for the integrated blu-ray =P Even the controllers for the consoles are pretty much the same, except using 'triggers' instead of shoulder buttons. [/off-topic-rant-of-the-day]

And now on topic: Yes, GTA IV is very awesome. The physics engine and the fact that close to everything is dynamic now (you can kill people just by flying off your motorcycle and smacking a pedestrian at high speeds =D) add a very realistic sense to the game, as does the mature and in-depth storyline.
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
Hedgehog bob, as long as there is two of any thing there will be wars
and GTA4 ftw, try jumping outta a moving helicopter for lols
All the world's a stage.
Maybe. I don't see why people can't be mature enough to accept some people have extremely slight differences in taste and prefer one console over another :/

And it seems that a lot of the 360 companies are selling out their games (Stuff like Gears Of War 2 and the Halo series will apparently be ported to PS3, ftw?) Who knows, maybe eventually people from Nintendo and Sony will start selling out their games till you have every single game available on every single system, and the word 'exclusive' has no meaning anymore in the game world. Chances are people will still be fighting. "LOL PS3 IS TEH ROXXORZ" "NO DUMBUT 360 PWNS LOL PS3 IS SUXXOR" "LOL U BOTH DUMMYBUT WII PWNS ALL"
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
Yeah, get GTA4, possibly Force Unleashed. If you have friends (doubt it) get some games made for multiplayer, like Gears of War 2 when it comes, Halo 3, etc.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [] [Quit:]
well teh xbox did steal GTA :3, one console would be great but prob still cost alot,
Xbox live gold should be free, its a dissapointment that even if u do have games that rock you still have to pay to play with others cuz some games fail at singleplayer but pwn in MP
All the world's a stage.