Original Post
Variety Competition
Sponsored By DeathPlague.

What's this?
The variety competition is where anyone can put in something they're really good at and try and earn a prize. There are three sections, Video, Misc Artwork and Replays.
There will be a judge for each section, they will judge your piece of work by points X/50. If your piece outmatches that of the num 1 artwork in a different section, a fraction of that money will be pooled into the section your artwork is in.


1. All pieces you enter must be NEW and specifically made for this competition
2. All entries must be your own.
3. You have to post the amount of your "artwork" to the number that is next to the categories to make your entry valid. 2 videos for the video category, 3 for misc. artwork and 5 replays.

So, what's the prize then?
Video(2): 30k
*Misc Artwork(3): 15k
Replays(5): 10k

So, why is there a different amount of money for different categories? What are the numbers next to the categories?
Because, in my opinion, things are harder to create than others.
But, if you do an exceptionally well job in your piece of art and is scored at least 10 pts. higher than that in another category, you will receive more TC.
The numbers next to the categories are the number of that category you have to enter to be considered a valid participant.

Who are the judges?
Alert242 will be judging the video section

Filipe994 will be judging the misc artwork

Dragenon will be judging your replays

Ends 4 days after last entry.

*Anything may go in the misc artwork category except replays and videos.
Last edited by alert242; Jul 20, 2010 at 04:52 PM.
Originally Posted by Ghiita View Post
hmm this is a nice friendly competition.
mind telling me when is the end date?

1 week after the last entry

Originally Posted by qoOlolOop View Post
we can only post our toribash related art work ?
or we can post every type of art ??

any type of art. You just have to make it completely, and it has to be made specifically for this competition.

Originally Posted by TheSamurai0926 View Post
Can we just compete in one category? Because heres some Wushu Replays I did in Multiplayer

Too many replays. Choose your best 5 and post them. You can only enter the amount of the number in parentheses next to the categories. You can compete in every category, but can only enter the exact amount to make it valid( number next to the categories.)

Originally Posted by Slycooper View Post
What are we supposed to do exactly? I might do replays, but do I make a madman, a realistic replay, just any replay?

You can make any replay. you will be judged on creativity, what you were trying to make and the effort you put into it. So, i.e just make a replay your best at, and provide some stuff in it that is "different" than everyone else.

Make sense?
Last edited by alert242; Jul 11, 2010 at 04:26 PM.
Originally Posted by TheSamurai0926 View Post ya go ^.^

Drag'll judge those
Originally Posted by Ghiita View Post
So leme break the ice for the artwork.
Made a little eye specially for this

Just need 2 more to make your entry valid, then filipe will get to judging them.
=D, i'll be on the sidelines, waiting... Patiently...
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