Originally Posted by ynvaser View Post
Gets my no, was pretty much of an asshat in the past towards me, alongside with carbonking.

... ok im sure soon we can get along agin
In The Mist
I do remember many confrontations with you Bulgath. As well with Bumfluff and many other of our members. :3

Is there any way you could prove you wouldn't do so in the future?

And prove that you won't give up Toribash for a stupid reason that could have been easily resolved?
um... I cross my heart X

lol jk um.... there is really not that much to do so i came back and i end up seeing u guys got official when i choose i wanted to come back
so pretty much i want to get better and be loyal to my clan which is DP
Last edited by bulgath; Feb 27, 2010 at 02:50 AM.
In The Mist
Well he does seem like he'd like to get along with everyone this time around. I can't see a problem unless Ynvaser is going to remain hostile.

Chill out bro'

Everyone except Ynvaser seemed happy with him when he used to be in the clan, so I have no issues with him rejoining.

He's messaged me, trying to know me better, which is more than any other new recruit has done.

My only quarrel is him assuming he will be accepted. Try not to be too cocky.

Yes from me.
Erm, was bulgath accepted yet? because he was wearing the DP tag yesterday.
"Life has a funny way of throwing wet sponges at our dreams." ~ MoreTh>n Freeman
I have no real objections with Bulgath rejoining although I'm not liking the fact the he is already wearing the tag.

Ynvaser, I think you should give him another chance. Like Drag said, he might have changed. If confrontations restart because of him we'll make sure they stop right after.
We're still kids in buses longing to be free.