Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
4.2 beta2


New ingame music:
/music status - info about current playlist/track
/music queue - list tracks in queue
/music list username - list custom/username tracks
/music normal|repeat|random - control what track is played next
/music play custom/tori/track1.ogg - play a specific track
/music play tori - play all tracks from custom/tori
/music volume [0-128] - set music volume
/music start|stop|pause|resume|next|prev

Mod maker fixes:
-added copy ability
-camera mode to mod maker
-fixed 0 frame game rule on export
-added player exported mod directory

Bug fixes:
- optimized compatibility for graphics modes
- fixed alpha env obj drawing with ghost basic render
- faster loading of customs (big textures)

- music is for your ears only
- even if you upload .wav it is converted to .ogg (I have no plans of supporting .mp3 due to licensing issues)

if the graphics lag please post your specs (Windows version and graphics card)
Last edited by hampa; Oct 6, 2012 at 05:45 AM.
This is great.
Will try it out right now.

Also, thanks for the place in the folder :3
Do you mind changing the clan tag to [Duck] instead of [Extreme]?
regarding music: if this feature will work like everyone will have to listen music of tori, then it will be awesome.
if not - it's useless

i suggest to focus more on new features like:
grab threshold, also change how grabs work, to make it more like Wii version instead of solid line connection
new points sytem for modding http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=375879
and friend list, https://dl.dropbox.com/u/24204278/TO/frnd.png concept here

^ these 3 may bring new dimmension to tb.

bug report

current graphic lags
: lags on replay after match.
settings: everything on
graphics card: nvidia gtx 580 3gb vram
Last edited by snake; Oct 6, 2012 at 04:37 PM.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
chat is white, when you leave toribash window and then comeback.Unless someone or you say something.

Still says 0 files when I've uploaded my music, link says 404 not found(link provided when you upload music).
Last edited by William; Oct 6, 2012 at 03:06 PM.
Your messed up world enthrills me
I'm messing around with the mod maker atm, I'll post whatever I find that should be fixed.

1) Can't move the camera, either with wasd or the arrow keys. Mouse still works (right click + move around), but I have rarely used that so it's a bit cumbersome. Also setting the FreeCam (by pressing 2) doesn't work, so I can't see some objects properly that are a bit farther away from Tori and Uke.

2) Tori and Uke seem to be at different heights. I found out that the settings for Tori and Uke's heights are different for every bodypart and joint... Uke is 0.05 units higher than Tori.

3) In the mod maker what we have previously known as instagib is changed to Weapon. It's true that instagib is mostly used on weapons but there are many cases where it isn't used on one which makes it a bit misleading (and imo most weapon mods with instagib are bad ;o )

4) When I try to change the height on the majority of the bodyparts and joints by left clicking the text field makes the pointer disappear and takes me to Objects tab on the previous page. For some weird reason right click seems to work, though

5) Changing player position settings on ADV tab resets all objects, bodyparts and joints present to default. Doesn't seem to do it for a second time, though
6) Changing X and/or Y player rotation settings don't affect Tori or Uke at all. Anything other than 180 on Z rotation will just mess the players up
7) Uke is reduced to "Right" on the rotation settings.

8) What about importing a mod? I wanna continue editing a mod that I didn't finish.
EDIT: Looks like I just have to open the mod from the mod list and then open mod maker to edit it. Super!

9) It would be hot to activate an object by clicking it. I'm fairly sure it'll be a problem in mods with higher amount of objects
EDIT: My bad, it's already there

This is all for now, I have still to check out majority of the mod maker so there's a big possibility (sorry) that there'll be more.

Other stuff:

1) The default song doesn't really loop well.

2) The music stops after a while (~40 minutes) of listening.

3) It would be cool if this was fixed. When an object goes underground the part that is underground is reflected on the surface as a black mass... It's pretty freaky. It only happens when shaders are on. It makes mods such as atvvolcano.tbm impossible to play.

4) When Toribash is first started the window is sized 1280x720 for me. This makes a part of the window go under the taskbar at the bottom (my screen's height being 766).

5) When I'm in a multiplayer server and change my window size (height, didn't try width), a spike comes out from my butt and my head bursts into square flames. A few seconds later the spike goes to the back of my head. It's a bit shorter plus it seems to have a texture like hair.

6) When starting a new game in single player Tori is relaxed but the joints are as big as joints that are on force. When pressing C twice (hold all -> relax all) it'll go back to being normal relaxed joints. (pic)
Last edited by Tonakai; Oct 7, 2012 at 03:41 PM.
works great on my desktop pc... 60fps without raytracing but everything else on...
with raytracing it reduces to 25 though...but that's cuz of my pc..

the graph crad is a ati radeon AH 9600 and such :3
seems like nvidia graph cars suffer from lag >_>...must be fixed xD...
gonna try on my laptop atm
Nvidia cards never gets lagged,all what's problem is this version to it is laggy,but not to others