Originally Posted by Saint View Post
Woah, dude, 80'C is a lot for a GPU. I've got stable 50'C, and it even should be at 30-40'C with better cooling.

GPUs tend to survive temperature up to around 90-100°C.And you can't really take the temps below 50°C on a high/medium-end card(laptops tend to get even hotter, due to lack of cooling, I had my old lap's intel's processor at above 100°C, and worked fine) unless you use watercooling, although it is not common in laptops(I've seen it once though).
I keep my 6970 at around 70°C, or 80°C max.

To OP: I suggest reinstalling drivers, newer, or even older ones.Try the older drivers just if everything else fails. As I can see the GPU downclocks itself, as if it was in "standby/power saver mode"Damn, just realised you closed the game, that's why.(the fan stays at 30%, so it shouldn't be a cooling problem, but you can check it by speeding up the fans manually in afterburner, and trying the game that way, and check for slowdowns), so I suspect either driver or directx(?,anyone confirm this.) issue there.

Or there might be an another software interfering, I'd make a clean, selective boot, and I'd try running a game without gamebooster too.
Last edited by GamerDaPro; Dec 1, 2012 at 09:31 PM.
Ok. I already tried running game without gamebooster but it still gave lag spikes.

It didn't work with older drivers and doesn't work with new.

About fan speed, afterburner can't check those. Its allways on 30% even i clearly hear
fans getting faster.

And normally when i have played games temperature has stayed below 80.
So i am pretty sure that i just got some shit inside.

Still i realized that i can't open this because this might be "Sealed" with some sticker and
when i open seal brokes and no more warranty.

I will try just vacuuming fan spots tomorrow.

well, if You don't want to lose your warranty, just give it to the service.

or be a man and open it yourself.
Actually this thing is kinda fixed now. I downloaded drives with AMD's auto detection program and it showed right things but new drivers didn't work.

Now i donwloaded them manually and boom...

Everything works fine. No more lags and Pc stays on about 75c when with old drives it was about 90...

So. This thing is solved. Thanks for help everyone.
