of course not, I already have manhub for my sexual desires
before I start visualizing today, I have some traits down.

Sense of humor
  • sometimes childish
  • dry often
  • often dirty jokes
  • consistent good timing
  • not snooty
  • definitely not a supergenius
  • clever, witty
slightly wicked
  • not evil, but can be morbid or shallow at times
  • sarcastic
  • plays practical jokes, although seldom
  • loves all kinds of music
  • plays the drums (why not?)
  • loves to talk
  • likes people
  • not overambitious
  • admits responsibility instead of making an excuse
  • slightly cynical view on life, but not in a depressing way

I took the time to write in in 3rd person to not freak you guys out. this is 6 traits and 18 subtraits.
Last edited by SlyBash; Jun 5, 2012 at 11:08 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Slybash you realise this Tulpa of yours will take over your life.

Here is an extract from that shows how dangerous tulpas can become:


Last edited by Wicked; Jun 5, 2012 at 07:22 PM.
day one:
i've given it a placeholder name of Uric, it may change, may not.

i managed to visualize about 5 traits in 2 hours before my mind got exhausted and put me to sleep for a few hours. within a few minutes from starting i had been trembling, shit is intense.
no visual appearance has formed yet, so far i've been using horricide's meditation method, which seems to be working. no emotional response yet but then again i wasn't excepting one so early anyway

yes, i'm seriously naming it Uric. i don't know why, but the name just keeps coming to me (also uric is awesome)

Originally Posted by WickedHayo View Post
Slybash you realise this Tulpa of yours will take over your life.

Here is an extract from that shows how dangerous tulpas can become:


Last edited by SlyBash; Jun 6, 2012 at 06:00 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
This is interesting, but dangerous.
I hope you know what you're doing.

It sounds like an advanced imaginary friend with an evil tint to me.
But knowing you there's a big chance you're trolling.

Anyway, I wish you the best of luck, keep us posted!
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
alphasonik, i'm not trolling. you can believe i am and i can't do anything about that but whatever

also, it's basically an imaginary friend but tangible and sentient. i know it makes me sound lonely but FUK DA POLICE, i'm seriously interested in this.

then again, naming it uric may make me sound like an even bigger troll
but uric is such a cool name :')
I'm interested in things like this, as I do believe this will work and our mind is able to create things from just our imagination.
However, I will probably not try this myself because I do not believe this will end well.

Think of creating a robot that will have its own mind.
After a while it will develop the thought that it's your slave and will turn against you.

I see no possibility that this will turn out for the better, although I hope it will.
I also do not know your mind, how strong it is, if you have dark thoughts, etc.

Just my five cents, I'll check this thread from time to time.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
think about it this way: a tulpa knows what it is. it can't break free because it has nothing to break free from - there is no escape because there was no containment in the first place. i've done my research.
Originally Posted by SlyBash View Post
no visual appearance has formed yet

What, did you think it was going to happen overnight?

This stuff takes months to do.