1. Where are you from?
2. Where were you born?
Vienna ( currently living in Graz)
3. How old are you?
14 and a half (Yeah, I'm older than DeathDude!)
4. What is your name? (real name ;p)
Konstantin (sounds a bit greek doesn't it?)
5. What you study? / In what school are you learning? / Where you work? (type)
I attend an upper secondary in Graz. And NO I don't have to work.
6. What is your favorite type of music? Who is your best songer/band/music maker?
I hardly ever listen to music, so I can't really answer this
7. What is your favorite type of film.
With a crapton of destruction!
Comedy is good too, but it doesn't have enough explosions.

1. How long time you playing in Toribash?
I started playing in may 2010
2. Best mod?
Judo, aikidobigdojo
3. Belt?
Blue (in 100 games black)
Yeah, I'm sorta noob, but I never was really active ingame
And I can't get my belt up now, because my graphic's card overheated, and I have to repair my computer.
4. What you like more, and where ARE you more active? Toribash Forum or game?
That's the only reason, why I'm still in the Toribash community
5. Did You have ever any problems with Admins/Moderators? (Any infractions or something like this)
Yes, one Infraction, backseat moderatoring :-(
That's what you get from giving constructive feedback
And I had an argument with Ducky
She (I think Ducky is female) always posted the same FUCKING animated .gif
I think Ducky wanted to rape that thread (it was in wibbes btw)
I'm not sure if he's trolling or just very stupid >_>