Also, it only came out for the PSP, which I think sucks. Naughty Dog is done with Jak, let him rest in peace. He had 3 good games, he doesnt need any more, especially crappy ones on the PSP.
Vibacious - - Get vibin'

Originally Posted by Cretor View Post
Also, it only came out for the PSP

Are you sure? ive been checking a bunch of diffrent site and they say it should be out for both
Oh, I guess your right. I thought I had read somewhere that the cancelled it for the PS2
Vibacious - - Get vibin'

I loved the other games, but i don't think i'll get this one, not only because i don't have a PS3/PSP. It's mostly because, with games like this (for example Ratchet And Clank) they get progressively worse, in my opinion. Maybe it's just that i loved the old games too much, and this is only me.
Yeah he is right. I played every single ratchet and clank game made so far, the last one sucked ass. But only the first three jak games are good, I liked the third one the best.
Meh Death Note gon stab yo white ass.
It is pretty damn good, I'm almost through it, but the story is great, the gameplay is fun, and the upgrades are great. Dark daxter is beastly, but I think its a little TOO long, I mean, 27 hours gameplay.

I'd say, this is a great game, which has been completely remodeled, into an even better game.

I give it a 4/5, due to the extremely long cut scenes.
Originally Posted by DarkKira View Post
Yeah he is right. I played every single ratchet and clank game made so far, the last one sucked ass.

Which one? Quest for booty? Yeah that one sucked because it was 15$. It was just a game to shorten the wait in between tools of distruction and... whatever this new one coming is called
Vibacious - - Get vibin'