Originally Posted by Marcoyeh View Post
If you know all this then why can't you just make a decision yourself? If law gets you more money and it's a very wanted job in your country then do it.

Because I like to know other people's opinions, there are many many stuff about computes science and law that I don't know anything about, and a simple sentence could lead me either way, I don't want to go into one major thinking it would've been better to go to the other.
Try taking on some difficult tasks in both fields and see which one you like more.
Major will be the field where you don't get tired of trying to solve.
Honestly, you really want to do what you enjoy. If you enjoy your job, that's all that matters. Loving what you're doing completely outweighs your income and location. So if you really like software engineering, go with that.
Pick the one you like most.

The best thing to do is to try both, get someone in IRC to help you program something, anything, and get some kind of law stuff and do that.

I love programming, it's like thinking, logic, making something grow and run.
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Software is growing really fast.

How much would you make by doing it?

Cause 30grand a month is nothing to sneeze at.

If you aren't worried about money, then you should really just do whatever you feel more passionate about.
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