Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Dear Jessebean,
Your's Application was

U Have been Tested. And You Are Good. Welcome!.
Also, You Are In. Now. Use Tag Ingame and Post In This board!

Also. Make A thread Saying Hello, Etc... Tell More Of You

EmoKid95. Please Post Replays. We Are discussing You.
Last edited by Alejandro; Sep 20, 2009 at 02:42 AM.
1. Belt :Third dan
2. Rank :1430
3. Age :11
4. Picture of your's Toribash player :just dl RazorClaw
5. Your's Bio/information (name,age,job...) aniel,11,school kid :P
6. Your GMT: -8
Replays?:My pc can't upload replays and it also can't show replays.

I was tested by Aelak and Gugu29.
Last edited by RazorClaw; Sep 20, 2009 at 08:39 PM.
Dear EmoKid95,
Your's Application was

U Have been Tested. And You Are Good. Welcome!.
Also, You Are In. Now. Use Tag Ingame and Post In This board!

Also. Make A thread Saying Hello, Etc... Tell More Of You

RazorClaw, Wait A Few Days. We Are Discussing You.
Last edited by Alejandro; Sep 21, 2009 at 02:16 AM.
1. Belt : Black, 1800 qi
2. Rank : 3300-something
3. Age : 15
4. Picture of your's Toribash player : See below
5. Your's Bio/information: Felix, guitarist, photoshop junkie, linux-dabbler
6. Your GMT: -8
7. If you're artist post your's art : see below

If you need some replays i'll post a few, but Aelak and Gugu29 have seen me fight a bit.

I'm wearing the Nox set

<DjPz> I don't expect to have sex with the dolphins every time I visit them
Dear RazorClaw,
Your's Application was

U Have been Tested. And You Are Good. Welcome!.
Also, You Are In. Now. Use Tag Ingame and Post In This board!

Also. Make A thread Saying Hello, Etc... Tell More Of You

Dear ZenBDog,
Your's Application was

U Have been Tested. And You Are Good. Welcome!.
Also, You Are In. Now. Use Tag Ingame and Post In This board!

Also. Make A thread Saying Hello, Etc... Tell More Of You
Post More Art, Avvys. Signatures. Etc... Post More Art Made By You. And Those Sets Are Good! WELCOME :>
<---Pic of me last year

1. Belt :Black
2. Rank :4998
3. Age :20
4. Picture of your's Toribash player :aint got one
5. Your's Bio/information (name,age,job...) avid,20,Co-Pilot
6. Your GMT: -6
Also, please post some your's replays too.

Wait A Few Days, Change Your Avvy ¬_¬"

We Are Discussing You. Also. Post More In Forums. Change Your Head. That's Monobis Head.
i dont have monobis head anymore
im not a fan of forums rly
and a few days is a bit too long :/
and why change my avvy?

... K.
...K. Post More To be recognized
...No Sir.
...Cuz Its Emo And... ._." Are You Emo? If So. AUTOREJECT. also, post replays.


im not Emo i just look emo and idk how to post replays
and if youre gonna autoreject me for that then Go ahead

K. AutoRejected. Stop Using My Color. and Cya When You Have More Than 100 posts.

Last edited by Alejandro; Sep 27, 2009 at 01:34 AM.
1. Belt :6th Dan (Almost 7th)
2. Rank :534
3. Age :14
4. Picture of your Toribash player : (Click the link on Number 7)
5. Your Bio/information (name,age,job...) :Uhm...I skateboard...
6. Your GMT:Idk but I live in Georgia time.
7. If you're artist post your art :I am an artist kinda...Look at my Avatar and go to this website and check them out:http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/7940/vaati.png I erased a lot of my older textures and pictures. Sorry!

Pawnch + Madman.rpl

Skateboarding Win!.rpl

Best Madman Ever.rpl
replays | some club for me
11:41 - Larfen: Weed is tight
Your's Application was

It's Auto cause you got invited. you dont need to post this.
Also, i know you, you're good ingame. and friendly :I

Also. Make A thread Saying Hello, Etc... Tell More Of You
Well, I dont know if you remember me, but I was in this clan! Lol, I tought I might try to join again.

1. Belt : 3rd dan (3532 qi to be exact)
2. Rank : I have no clue. 1500 something.
3. Age : 13, turning 14 in december.
4. Picture of your's Toribash player : Another hard one... /dl me /lp 1 me
5. Your's Bio/information (name,age,job...) : Name: Ruben Age: Already stated Job: School
6. Your GMT: GMT -7
7. If you're artist post your's art :
Also, please post some your's replays too.

I will post replays later.
Look at your signature! (> ゚ ヮ゚)> <(HUG ME!)

K, we are discussing you. :3 you have my vote.

EDIT: Oyes. i remember you :O