Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Bwamp View Post
There are two girls that are interested in me, but I am interested in a relationship only for physical pleasure. How do I use them for gratification without killing my chances at future prospects?

Well, the best thing (morally) to do in this sort of situation is to try to accomplish your goal without being dishonest to anyone. So, if you think it would be safe, just be upfront with the girls and say something like "hey, I'm not really looking for anything super serious right now, but I really dig you." Depending on the girl, they will either accept or reject the idea (more often than not, sadly, the girl will reject it).

If either of them accepts, congrats use a condom and don't let guilt get in your way. Just remember not to USE them, but to try to have fun WITH them, not at their expense.

Now, in the more likely event that this sort of open philandering is not an option, first you should consider whether or not this is something you are really ok with doing. All guys talk shit, but I have also found that if you ask any guy his honest opinion he will tell you that 9 times out of 10 he would rather get involved with someone than just fuck and run. Casual sex can be fun, but it also tends to leave the participants feeling empty and dirty, usually because people who THINK they know what they are in for really don't. Still something you want to do? Are you ready to risk feeling like a worthless whore? If so, read on.

O.k., so two girls like you, and you want to get some without one hand knowing what the other is doing I suppose. The ONLY way that this will work is if you lie. Lie a lot, lie like you have never lied before, and don't stop to consider these poor girls feelings. You will have to be callous. Your best bet is to set up dates on different days with each one. It will probably take a few dates for each girl, so you have a lot of planning and organising to do. If you can manage that and keep it going long enough to get to second base or so, than you can figure out what would be the best way to manipulate your way into their pants, but again, you will have to be a liar.

Honestly this is something I don't condone because manipulation is one of my HUGE pet peeves with people. Personally I hope you get dick warts from this little adventure, but eh, to each their own, and at the end of the day I don't judge you. Just don't be surprised when one of the girls finds out about the other, because it WILL happen (there are no free rides in life after all). When this happens, depending on the girl, you will most likely have at least one guy looking to kick your ass, though it could be a few. Hopefully you know how to fight.

Bottom line, if you end up getting some, and everyone is over 18, film it and send it to me. Because a slime ball such yourself doesn't care anyway, and I will never turn down free pr0n.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Dear deady, referring to your first post, I must ask, what is "avan"?
Monkey yeknoM
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nkeyMo oMyekn
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eyMonk knoMye
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Excellent advice, I'll certainly take it to heart.

Also, are there any good places to go that are cheap to go without looking cheap? I can no longer afford to go to the movies much, my previous vice.
lol, firs off, you should probably get rid of the idea of "making a living" from being a musician. The fact is that the world is saturated with musicians, and while you might make 20 or 30 bucks by playing a bar show, you typically end up spending way more than you earn. One thing you could do to make some scratch is offer lessons. A lot of people want to learn guitar, but are afraid to try, so having someone there to guide them through it is helpful and they are willing to pay for it.

As for finding a band, if you are in school right now there are probably many, many musicians on your campus, try to find them by going to shows or joining school centred music activities. Another great resource is Craigslist and sites like that. One that I know used to be good is garageband.com, though I'm not sure if it is still in operation. But yeah, either way, don't plan on making money for your music, because it almost never happens. If you want to play live, do it for the experience of playing a show, because its a blast and in some ways its way more awesome than a paycheck.

Thanks a lot deady (just realised the grammar fails in my previous post, don't feel like editing though). Pretty interesting links and the ideas to find other musicians. I do mainly want to play for the feeling of it (I played live once and it wasan undescriptible experience), I was thinking of the finanial retribution as a bonus, my main problem was finding a band.

Also, are we allowed to give complementary advice to other people in this thread or is it only directed to you?
Originally Posted by DrunkenMonkey View Post
Dear deady, referring to your first post, I must ask, what is "avan"?

lol, dick. "avan" is the sort of stupid typos you make when you type as much as I do. It was supposed to be "even" but honestly looking at my keyboard, it doenst make any sense that I would slip and hit "a" twice...but, eh, I will edit it I guess.

Originally Posted by Muffindo View Post
Also, are we allowed to give complementary advice to other people in this thread or is it only directed to you?

Well, for now I think it would be best to keep it to PMs. Not to sound like a pompous fuck wit, but if everyone started advising everyone else than this thread would just be "general advice". If enough people ask though, I supposed there is nothing I could do to stop it :P
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
What's the best way to let a girl know I'm up for sexy time? I've done other shit but I'm nearing 17 and I've never crossed this particular hurdle. Also if your advice doesn't work I will find you.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
Not to jump on Deady's face (yes I have chosen to use this expression) Marco you need to find another virgin, and both get drunk. It's the only way you'll both build up the confidence to do it. Also the whole thing will run a heck of a lot smoother when you're drunk.
Originally Posted by Fee View Post
Not to jump on Deady's face (yes I have chosen to use this expression) Marco you need to find another virgin, and get some chloroform. It's the only way you'll both build up the confidence to do it. Also the whole thing will run a heck of a lot smoother when they are unconscious.

Originally Posted by Marco View Post
What's the best way to let a girl know I'm up for sexy time? I've done other shit but I'm nearing 17 and I've never crossed this particular hurdle. Also if your advice doesn't work I will find you.

Fee makes a good point actually, getting drunk often leads to sex. However, its not the ONLY way and I certainly wouldn't say it is the best. I was buzzed a little my first time, and honestly it pales in comparison to my others...that depends on the person obviously, and while there is a time and place for everything, from my experience sober sex is awesome and drunk sex is usually sloppy.

So then, how do you get to that point? Well, sadly it is largely dependent on the girl. If you are trying to bang a super devout Christian (I spent four year on that quest :P) your best hope is marriage, but eh, that's a terrible reason to get married, so you're probably better off finding a good old fashioned heathen girl who won't be concerned whether or not Jesus will cry if you guys bone.

Again, its really hard to say without knowing the girl what sorts of things will work. Some girls love being complimented, others view you overtly adoring them as a sort of weakness. I think it is safe to say that typically women want something emotional as well as sexual, but on the other hand women also get horny and just as often might be out for nothing more than a good time.

So, what do? Well, assuming you have found a girl whom you understand and who understands you as well, it will most likely happen sort of on its own accord. Teenage sex is almost always awkward, especially if it is your first time, so let it happen when it happens. If you rush it, or press your girlfriend too much, you are guaranteed to have a shitty experience...yes, it really can suck balls and you are better off not even doing it if the situation isnt at least partially a good one. All those frat/jock guys who fuck like its a sport, sadly they are missing out because for them sex has become more buisness than pleasure/intimacy, and thats just kinda lame.

Also I would have to disagree with fee on the whole virgin thing. There is this myth that if a girl has sex with more than "x" number of people than she is somehow bad or gross (the common words are whore and slut :P). I would have to whole heartedly disagree with this. One of the coolest girls I have ever met has had sex with more people than I can count on my fingers and toes. Is this is a girl I would date? Absolutely, were it not for the fact that she has serious commitment issues when it comes to sex (clearly), other than that though she is an amazing person, more accepting and caring than 90% of the people I meet in daily life. Would I have casual fun with her, OF COURSE! Sure, she has been around, but so what? Just because she enjoys it and is a little bit...well...more open than other girls doesn't mean it would somehow be less enjoyable, in fact since she has experience she would probably be a more enjoyable partner than someone who has never done it before. Obviously you ALWAYS have to worry about STDs, but thats what condoms are for, they might make things a little less enjoyable, but only a little, and it certainly beats getting herpes or teh hiv.

But yeah, Marco, you seem like a good dude. It will happen when it happens, and if you want to speed it up, try either talking about it with your girlfriend, or just keep going until she tells you to stop (which you ALWAYS listen to), you might be surprised :P
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Originally Posted by deady
The only thing you can or should do is be supportive of your brother no matter what happens. Obviously you can make your opinions known, but don't go off and yell at him or plan some intervention or some shit (those barely work with drugs, so yeah). One of the shitty things about family is that they often do things other members of the family don't agree with, a lot of times this causes fights, and eventually you end up losing your brother/sister/whatever because you are too busy being pissed at them for making bad choices that you forget to just be there for them. Not saying this is the case with you, but it could get to that point.

So yeah, trust your brother to make choices that suit HIM best, and above all else remember that regardless of what he does he is still your brother. As for the twins, they might not be able to afford them, but that definitely doesn't mean you should go and suggest they get them aborted or something. The thing about kids is, unless you have an abortion, once they are made there is no stopping them. So just try to help them out, either financially, or by babysitting, or whatever, just being a good Uncle.

It sucks that his girlfriend cheated, and Im sure it made things even worse that it was his best friend. But if he says they have worked things out, then you have to trust him on that one. Unless she is clearly manipulating him (as opposed to just being a human who got curious after 12 years of the same wang), in which case you should say something, just dont get your hopes up about it sinking in.

Really, that's all I was planning on doing, but the thing is, he's 33, she's like 26, and I'm 14. Even if I wanted to interfere or something like you said, my voice would not be heard.

I guess this is more just a crappy thing that happened rather than a dilemma.