Ok we all thought about relaxing all at the first, but actually its all wrong, holding all is probably a better choice just like in real life since it's a phy game ofc, but you can add some sause to your counter maybe like lowering the shoulder that is about to get hit and contracting the elbow + extending the wrist and doing some magic with your leg and you would rarely yet dmd from a snap kick, when it comes to an other another mod like striking mods its just p much the same except that moves like the abd snap counter wont be useful, or just need some editing
Nah you are better off relaxing to take a hit than holding, 100%.

Although in real life it might not be the case - toribash is not the same as real life in several key aspects.
Don't dm me pictures of bowls that you find attractive.
In real life, you have guts to protect. That's while you should stiffen your abs before getting sucker punched. Toris don't have organs and are also made of glass, so it's better to absorb the hit through relaxation or evasion techniques, depending on the situation.
fallu toribash is a physics game, and life is p much physics.
Last edited by Sick; Jan 11, 2017 at 05:17 PM.
Originally Posted by Sick View Post
fallu toribash is a physics game, and life is p much physics.

That doesn't mean that toribash is an exact replica of reality, there are big differences. Like, toribash doesn't even have fingers or toes.

Closing this to prevent it becoming a thread about physics instead of grabbing, and the question had been answered already.
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