I'm Polish. I use this as a excuse for everything. Here, have some examples:

"Why did you hit him?" I'm Polish

"Why did you not take out the trash?" I'm Polish

"Why are you making stupid examples for a simple concept?" I'm Polish

By far my favorite one: "Why are you Polish?" I'm Polish
Originally Posted by jclark View Post
I like being moderately decent at something :L

[12:00] <fudgiebalz> toribash SUCKS
Check my ~~~Dank Replays~~~
Originally Posted by JSnuffMARS View Post
huge difference in the long run, massive difference... Having fun = dig hole. Be productive = have shit together, get high on success. That's in general. If you're sorta like Pewd's, could be different tho'
but in general I'm pretty sure work provides more in personal growth and accomplishment than resting considerable amounts of time via games and stuff

I mean it's especially in cases, where you should've done something else instead of the gaming like. Well, studied or exercised this or that skill of your strategical preference. If you game, you're not doing it
and making a habit not doing it, it can really bite you, even more than the actual difference in hours

In the long run? What are you imagining? "Well you had a heart attack but since you spent so long studying we will give you a few more years to live"..?

Personal growth? I'm not sure why you think personal growth necessarily cannot be fun... But I think you are wrong. Someone who leads 120 man raids, clans of a few thousand members or has extremely technical ability has clearly had some personal growth. It would be very hard to play team games if you are not self aware.

Don't get sucked into "the meaning of life is to work for a few decades then retire". Do what you want to do.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
i got test,classes,homework,sports and responsibility at home and outside so...yeah
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719
Cause Im African-American.

Oh and cause theres nothing to watch on tv besides the news, Dora, and other stupid shows and none of my family are in the mood to do things together for fun like watching movies or playing family-oriented games.

so basically cause Im African American or brown (as my little brother likes to say)
I am light. I am darkness. I am a rushing waterfall. I am a blazing inferno. I am and I am not. The Power of Nothingness compels me...DENJIN HADOUKEN!
I shouldn't be playing. I shouldn't be spending money on TC. I shouldn't be spending nearly as much time on my computer full stop. I've always been a lazy person, I really need to get out of this slump that has been the first 21 years of my life. That's some brutal honesty for you.
Originally Posted by Guppy View Post
I shouldn't be playing. I shouldn't be spending money on TC. I shouldn't be spending nearly as much time on my computer full stop. I've always been a lazy person, I really need to get out of this slump that has been the first 21 years of my life. That's some brutal honesty for you.

find a hobby that isn't gaming, like cooking or a sport or any productive skill that's enjoyable and worthwhile putting your money into
gaming is a hobby to waste spare time on. considering what you are saying you are eather still in school or in uni, and never been employed full time, and probably think that once you graduate you will instantly get a job you like with great paycheck, awesome career, and other things we all were thinking when we were younger, and right now you are trying to pretend to look "too cool and busy to play videogames", on a gaming forum populated by gamers, well then...

don't worry, you will get a job sooner or later so you will get used to getting back home after 8 +1 hours of routine and 2 hours on road tired and squeezed like a lemon. also 8 hours to sleep, otherwise you will be broken and not productive at work, so here you have it. 5 hours total besides sleeping and work, then -1 hour for lunch and dinner, so you have 4 hours of free time in total, half of which you are tired and wasted after long stressfull work and road, which you can not help. wow!

work will have a toll on everyone in a mean time.
later you will get a wife and children, so say bye to your free time and welcome a cycle called adult life, when years will start to fly and you will feel like you are standing in awe, thinking: "how the hell did it happened to me?"

and no, if you think you are special and it's going to be different, and yada yada - nope.

enjoy things you enjoy while you still can. because later you would not have time for it.
Last edited by snake; Feb 9, 2015 at 10:24 AM.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15