Originally Posted by UnknownPvP View Post
uhm so yeah I don't like this wall at all D: maybe make that " ramp" go all the way to the top and be bigger and leading up the wall that would be great imo

But i think its a really good mod for your first try 8/10

Not to be rude or anything but I'm not going to remove the wall. This is a full release, I'll fix bugs or make and easy version but I don't want to completely change the whole map.

Thanks for the feedback though.

Need help? PM me!
إد هو العاهرة
Sorry for using the wrong words xD i was being an idiot for asking that and it wasnt my place but my point i was trying to get across was maybe in the future add an alternative for the obstacles. I mean like the ramp you had is great but for my liking is just wasn't big enough and i'm saying this because many new parkourists and sparrers are arriving and they might become swayed. So maybe you can add alternatives to let them know we understand that not everyone is good enough to do the mods you guys make. And that was the point i was trying to get across in 5 mins so I apologize for it.
[LoP] [TF] [HaZZarD]
Hey Great first mod

I cannot comment on gameplay side of things as I am a rookie at parkour I will still attempt it however when I get the time to do so.

Ok, So first of all I really appreciate What you tried to do with the patches of grass,
The problem is It is all angled making it very hard for beginners to run on.
Maybe next time use one grass block that is flat (0 rotation) or very slightly angled and build rocks or slabs around the top to create the same kind of grass shape, but still giving one even flat surface and path to run on.

Lava is fine for me I could tell it was lava,
But the sides for me ruined the whole effect, They look extremely straight and flat and un-natural and lacking the detail you gave the the rest of the map.

5 / 10 for me, great first attempt. Try to give your whole map the same level of attention next time,

Remember A wall doesn't have to be just a flat surface, Also the player chooses to interact with a wall, They don't have a choice about the floor.
- Blu -
Originally Posted by TananPro View Post
kinda easy, but, very entretening ;)

Lol you blast Matarika's Mod for having jumps that are too big, Then say these jumps are too easy even though they are almost twice the size with no alternate route..... do you even think before you type? :S

Most idiotic player of the day goes to Tananpro, Congratulations you win a gtfo relax from my bullshit sack.
Last edited by blun7y; Jul 7, 2015 at 11:39 AM.
- Blu -