Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
Dreams are about desire and fear. Its highly emotionally involved, and weird. Its also one of the larger creative pulls for a lot of people. Writers will get a lot of shit from their dreams.

Also, MLK jr. had a dream, and do you see what happened to him?

Dreams might have different reasons for existing for different people for all we know.

Honestly what the fuck have you been smoking bro that is actually the most crackpot post I have ever read bro
Originally Posted by raaage View Post
Honestly what the fuck have you been smoking bro that is actually the most crackpot post I have ever read bro

I guess being open minded now means you're a drug addict.
Dreams can be helpful, for example, you're sleeping with your arm under you for well more than an hour and the blood isn't getting to your hand so, your brain makes nightmares and tries to wake you up, or when your heartbeat slows and you get that dream where you feel like you're falling down stairs or off of a platform.

Dreams are strange too, while relying on reality and emotions, some people like my uncle (who was born with a physical disorder) with a hard life almost always have good dreams.

Dreams can sometimes give you déjà vu, it has happened to me before. Something happens in my life and i keep getting the feeling that I've experienced or witnessed this before and later on I remember that I had dreamt that scene before.

Dreams can be supernatural too, I've heard many times of people (mostly relatives) who have seen dead people in their dreams.

Lucid dreaming is another strange thing. If you fail you enter sleep paralysis, which, again, is the body panicking. They can be rewarding if they are successful and fun as you could fly in them (basically controlling your dreams)

Dreams are also closely related to OBE, where one person managed to take two classes at a time while having an OBE, by sleeping in one class while being in the other one at the same time.

In conclusion dreams are strange and not much is known about them. I believe that they have something to do with the soul (if you even believe in stuff like souls).
(lotus)'s co-leader|(lotus)|Loki|Nicolas|Rogue
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
I guess being open minded now means you're a drug addict.

How did you come to that conclusion?
If you're looking for a more logical explanation Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud have wrote several books on the topic, as well as Carl Jung founding archetypes.
but here's a tl;dr version of why we have dreams, and what purpose they serve.
Originally Posted by Random Source
According to Jung, dreams are a way of communicating and acquainting yourself with the unconscious. Dreams are not attempts to conceal your true feelings from the waking mind, but rather they are a window to your unconscious. They serve to guide the waking self to achieve wholeness and offer a solution to a problem you are facing in your waking life.

In essence we dream of what we want. Since we may not be able to actually do these things our unconscious makes up a dream to please us.
Think about it, do you remember being 7 and wanting something so bad, then that same night in your dream you got whatever it is you wanted, only to wake up believing you had it.
Last edited by Velair; Jul 13, 2015 at 03:25 PM.
damn im gettin old
Ive read about dreams for a while now. it`s quite interesting. Apparently in Rem sleep (rapid eye movement) our neocortex and hippocampus are sorting through memories. But they`re not firing off at the same time. So that's why we usually forget most of our dreams. Yes. You fapping off to your mother accidientally was a dream.