Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Tier 5 in this game.
A cool couple tips is 6 SMGs or Cannons is only the amount you need, as the maximum fire rate is 6 guns and if you have 8 or 10 then only 6 will fire at a time.
Another is spamming Q when you see an enemy is pretty good, scouts them and gets you some extra points.

These shields are super effective also so i recommend using them once they are unlocked.
Originally Posted by iver View Post
My nick is "CVital". I installed the game right now, doing my first steps. xD
"Houston, We've got a problem"

I can't log in. =(

Try remaking the account?
Also heads up it's case sensitive names for some reason

Originally Posted by Hero View Post
Add me. Saint_robotsberg

Start playing this yesterday. Holy shit it's addictive.


Originally Posted by Solax View Post
That's me. Got it just now and was pissing around in practice mode. Not sure if I'll be able to do multiplayer since my net's shaky at the moment.

@everyone who's been playing this
Any tips and tricks? Skills to level or anything else?

Adding now.
for lower tiers, just try and survive, there's enough fool hardy people that you can just kinda sit around and double team people
as you get higher in the tiers, do some more independent stuff

Originally Posted by Destram View Post
I downloaded it aswell, name is Destram. I'm going to try it more intense tonight.


Originally Posted by Redundant View Post
w0w I like this game, I am masterego.
Nice Podracer, bro.
I can only build shitty cubic thingies and die all the time, but I still enjoy it. (o/
I figured some things out about this game:
I am still a supernoob so I can't build highend robots that are made of super expensive blocks like I saw 'em on youtube so I guess the things I figured are mainly for beginners who are on a budget.

NEVER put those auto gun on one level in vehicles. They tend to get in the way of each other. Put them on a sort of pyramid build.
Determine which parts of your vehicle are essential and which are not. Heavily armor the parts you think are essential. When the block right underneath the pilot seat gets destroyed you die, therefore it is the most important part.
You can use that fact for your advantage to trick your opponents. Many people will go for your seat when they know where it is and think it is an easy target. That's why I built a random cockpit at the front that is worth nothing when it gets destroyed ('cept maybe some front cannons go with it but w/e).
Use white blocks to hide the shape of the armored framework so people shoot the wrong parts that are actually not essential..
I just wrap my whole vehicle in white, make sure the rough framework is protected, the pilot is in a panic room. Everything else is not so important and can be used to confuse my opponents.
Get as many steering wheels as you can and put 'em in a white case so people don't even understand how you move around and which way is the front. For extra confusion put fake cockpits on both ends.

I found sniping+radar to be the most efficient form of fighting. When people go for you, lure them into a bigger group of your friends or just run away.
I won a couple of matches that way because most people just drive into you going all pew pew.

baiting is definitely a good tactic, just need to make sure you can take a hit or two in the escape. I'm not really fast enough to effectively bait

Originally Posted by FistofLife View Post
Tier 5 in this game.
A cool couple tips is 6 SMGs or Cannons is only the amount you need, as the maximum fire rate is 6 guns and if you have 8 or 10 then only 6 will fire at a time.
Another is spamming Q when you see an enemy is pretty good, scouts them and gets you some extra points.

These shields are super effective also so i recommend using them once they are unlocked.

Nice one fist, dem elctro plates man. i cri evrytim

until I got my own :^)

hatface intensifies

Will Tribe expand to new frontiers (when clans are available)?

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
I've sent an e-mail to robocraft support and they fixed the bug. Now I'm on, and trying to understand the game.

Add me: CVital
Okay so I played a bit now, I really enjoy it! I need to go through the interface again and understand it n shit but I like it.
Originally Posted by Erth View Post
Will Tribe expand to new frontiers (when clans are available)?

oh boy i would love to see that

going to try for t7 tonight, shit's just so expensive and takes so long after the first few tiers
Originally Posted by Clay View Post
i'm t1 help :c

Use up all your cp

Make protect your wheels if they're shot you're finished

Put guns on every spare block

Don't make a vehicle that's unbalanced you'll be flipped in an instance

Stay with the pack

There's one map that's like an ice lake avoid the ice

Use the tech tree to get good gear

That's all the tips I can think if right now