I use pen tool only, it's my punishment of losing my graphic's tablet pen. (I can't draw for shit anyway...) Also photoshop cs3. I like to keep it nice and simple and newer versions of photoshop have more functions than I even use.

But yeah, if I get off my lazy ass and get in the mood to make some textures it's only cartoony stuff anyways.
thank u
I mainly just use pen for low canvas pics
but i am thinking of buying a tablet to draw
I saw that the best is mamboo and wacom
i can pay maybe 100Usd and less
gimme suggestions please
INB4 14 days ban
Best brush in Photoshop Elements 6
Yeaah, I've been using a weird pen pressure brush, but I'm looking for something like pen.

merged your thread into a post on this thread for convenience sake. please look before you make a new thread in future please
Last edited by Rai; Jun 6, 2014 at 09:46 PM.