If this is your first head texture, then who made that sphere in the logo at the bottom left of the picture?

Anyways; Way too much drop shadow. And when you use drop shadow, it asks for coordinates or something, where the default is 8 and 8 I think. I put 0 and 0. IMO it looks better.

<~oyster> i want you to fart near my mouth
Yeah. Also WAAAAYYYYYAY Too much ds.

And you need stranding for the hair or something.
I love MightyMouse <3

I actually like the hair, only problems are the eyes. They are unrealistic, and alittle to ehhh, idk how to explain it. like grimy maybe? like pixelly, it looks like u just brushed it in paint ;o but what the hell? im not a very good texturer so i should just keep my mouth shut ;]