Slybash, Im the same as you, I only do things I want to do, people cant make me do shit. it doesnt effect me at all.
I apologise for this post.
Yup same here. I don't care if people don't like me but i'm not going to start drugs.

Smack bitches

peer pressure can be good, it depends on what it is. Sometimes you need to be pushed or let others make your decisions for you.

If someone tries to talk you into doing something negative or something that you really don't want to do just walk away or tell them how you feel about it.
"Eh. Okay."
....Perhaps because most of the time, nothing that I do because others are doing it is rebellion.
Full conversation:
"Hey dude, want to (Insert something that I'm not used to doing here)?"
"(I know I wouldn't choose to, but) Eh. Okay."
To your questions, it feels a little reluctant for me, and it has made me do something like play kickball or eat a strange looking pizza.
Well some people just find that being accepted isn't really that big of a deal. A real friend won't force you into doing something you realistically don't want to do. Many things that involve peer pressure aren't even that big of a deal either. I never fell into peer pressure, but merely did the things on my own free will.
Woah shit, zombie actually made since

The only type of "peer pressure" I've "fallen victim to" is downloading apps and ahit. Ex:

"hey megacash, download this game, it's fucking beast."

"ok man, it better be fun or I'll murder you"

Downloaded it and it was pretty fun.

I don't fall ictim to major peer pressure like smoking and drinking or shit like that

Are you an artist and want to make a decent amount of TC? Check out this thread.
Originally Posted by JoboMan View Post
Slybash, Im the same as you, I only do things I want to do, people cant make me do shit. it doesnt effect me at all.

im this, why do i see waves of countless ppl that have no will of their own?
Depends really.
I'm a tricker ( Google it ) and peer pressure is really what pushes me to be better. I've had people "peer pressure" me into doing something i normally wouldn't even think about doing. Like when I won't go for something and people start calling me names not because I'm actually what there calling me, because it pushes you to do something you wouldn't do.
Of course it depends on what someone's pressuring you into doing.
Originally Posted by Boonana View Post
Depends really.
I'm a tricker ( Google it ) and peer pressure is really what pushes me to be better. I've had people "peer pressure" me into doing something i normally wouldn't even think about doing. Like when I won't go for something and people start calling me names not because I'm actually what there calling me, because it pushes you to do something you wouldn't do.
Of course it depends on what someone's pressuring you into doing.

Exactly the same thing with me.
Well, it's not a bad thing after all.
<Marco> and then Oblivion tried to sexually assault me
<Oblivion> and Marco wasn't surprised at all