Brains10 told you how to walk, Just start as a run, after your contracted hip gets even to the ground w/ knee, relax the hip and your leg goes slower, once its close to the ground, extend it, and relax the other hip/knee if needed, It makes a perfect start, you just need balance.

I expect 10k, or split it with brains 5k 5k because he didn't go in depth.. :3

Also replay attached for a basic walk.

this was also made by and perfected by me.

Also should probably say, Contracting the hip has to be done sometimes to keep you moving forward, but holding it after the right moment with give you enough force to push your self forward so you don't fall backward when you extend that leg. Also, use your glutes/chest to make sure you stay straight and ready for action :3
Attached Files
The basic run.rpl (51.8 KB, 14 views)
Last edited by Shuckle; Mar 20, 2011 at 03:09 AM.
running is easy it just a matter of leaning forward and pushing off. walking on the other hand is more difficult and requires a lot of practice, its difficult to tell someone exactly how to do it as theres no easy way thats gonna look cool. but here are some tips:
controlling how fast you go is all about how far you lean forward, careful control of your center of gravity is vital.
instead of contracting and extending which is way too fast try to incorporate relax and hold using shift + P to slow down your movements and maintain your balance
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