My input is this:

If you wish to pay for top grade protection, purchase Kaspersky, or Bit defender.

But the best free one in my opinion is Avira.
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He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."

Gawd I know that, I had trojans that made my comp bluescreen me like every hour on the hour. >:|
AVG, Ad-Aware. They work like a dream.
Back in my day...
Don't use VET, it fucks you over.

Don't even get the trial.

But AVG works, indeed.

I think you may just have to go with what you feel best. I'm sure it's a hard time for you and everything. You just have to pull through, you know, just don't give in.

20+ Trojans would be a cunt to get rid of.
I had a couple of trojans on my comp once. They took off all the icons and shit for everything. I had to ctrl-alt-delete to get taskmanager then run McAfee removed like 4 of them. After that I couldn't even log on, the trojans had been conflicting so much that it just let me logon.

If worse comes to worse and you the blue screen when attempting a logon or something. Heres what I did.

Pop in the adware cd (Sorry have to buy for this one or burn the program off). And then when your comp starts to run hold down the F8 key or w/e to get into advanced setup. Look around for an option that says something like "Boot from..." change it from C: disk to your cd drive. It'll then run the cd in DOS, which is helpfull.

I use Norton and AVG personally. But I donno whats best.
All anti-virus software that runs in the background does. But anyways, just roll them with AVG or any other decent anti-virus program. That's what i've done most of the time. If they're well and truly impossible to remove, AND they're causing you problems, you might need to format your harddrive, unfortunately. If they just sit and do nothing, then there really is no problem.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Bitdefender is among the best you can get, short of a government protected mega network with dozens of security levels. If you're not willing to pay, AVG and Avira are both very good free ones.

And clean out your registry, as has been suggested, after the trojans get killed.

PS: How did you get over 20 trojans? Did you download every piece of free porn on the internet?
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
Originally Posted by Ezeth View Post
Avg works like a dream. Always used it.


Get avgfree, Best program ever. It got rid of a trojan called black core.
Witch happend on one of my other comps.
My dad progrmaed pretty much everything. he made upwords of 300K per year in 93 :3

So anyways, What black core would of done
Is go and pretty much deleat everything, Ending with system 32, And then empty the bin, Thus, Bye bye Comp. :|

So long story short.
Avg rocks!
TehCaek owns this acc! BWAHAHA!
I used to use AVG. Then I discovered that trojans almost always take it out first as soon as the enter my PC. Now I use avast, thanks to AVG failing to save me from having to format my PC and lose all my toribash shit.

TL;dR get Avast
Originally Posted by Warcry View Post
I used to use AVG. Then I discovered that trojans almost always take it out first as soon as the enter my PC. Now I use avast, thanks to AVG failing to save me from having to format my PC and lose all my toribash shit.

TL;dR get Avast

You forgot to say that you had 250+ trojans.

Also get some good anti virus,reformat you pc,and your ready to go.
Centuries Of Damn