Wow,very beautiful set there,i suggest you to keep it as it is right now,it's pretty clean and cool,don't overcharge it ;)
Personally I think I like it without a face, I guess that is just personal preference.
you'll have to rise above the best and prove yourself, your spirit never dies.
It looks great as it is now, but if you were to add something, maybe joint textures?
I think adding too many details to the current version could ruin it.
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
Originally Posted by Fade View Post
real nice set but i think you should add some sort of eyes or face, blue/green ones or something but right now its gr8 m8

I guess, it's usual to make eyes for a head. So, I tried to make something in a different way, also, one work of eyCoco inspired me to do a set like this.

Originally Posted by Ravager View Post
This is an awesome set man, cant wait to see when it is finished.

Soon :]

Originally Posted by Hisoka View Post
Wow,very beautiful set there,i suggest you to keep it as it is right now,it's pretty clean and cool,don't overcharge it ;)

Yeah, I think so too, but, I should finish that torso, as it doesn't fit the overall view for now.

Originally Posted by Ravager View Post
Personally I think I like it without a face, I guess that is just personal preference.

Bingo! :]

Originally Posted by ThePirateKing View Post
It looks great as it is now, but if you were to add something, maybe joint textures?
I think adding too many details to the current version could ruin it.

Hehe, actually, I don't even think about joint textures, as, I suppose, they will ruin the whole meaning of this set. They just will make it, kinda, messy, imho. But, maybe, someday, I'll try to make joint textures for it.

Added a musical stuff to the main page, enjoy!
Last edited by Elate; Dec 5, 2014 at 11:53 AM.
Those textures do look pretty Dope. I think it is going well so far. Looking forward to seeing it when it's finished.

Music Corner

I listened to the music and it was okay, but wasn't my type of music.
The Smoke Will Never Clear
#LLPS 💙💫
Originally Posted by JayXManHD View Post
Those textures do look pretty Dope. I think it is going well so far. Looking forward to seeing it when it's finished.

Music Corner

I listened to the music and it was okay, but wasn't my type of music.

Thx, heh.
And yeah, about music - tastes differ :]

Originally Posted by CroKO View Post
Dude. The set looks gud, but these green splatters are not fit at all. I think these are unnecessary.

Maybe, for you, it would be better w/o splatters. But, that's a personal preference.


And, added some old art to the main page, also, new music stuff. Updated overall view of the page.