Originally Posted by bgjames1 View Post
if you decline I will just ignore the follow post you give me.

They're giving you CnC, that's what you asked for...
Originally Posted by bgjames1 View Post
also vortex those replays were not hacked or change of in anyway

He never said they were hacked or changed in any other way.
Originally Posted by bgjames1 View Post
they were all pro.

Just no...

Originally Posted by bgjames1 View Post
I can't take this anymore i'm not just a person that you can take for granted just listen at what I tell you just give me credit on my work

Originally Posted by bgjames1 View Post
i'm NOT nuthug i'm NOT numbers i'm not any GM this is all I have ok I can't make them longer and I can't make them perfect ok i'm not suppose to be anything more than them just give me credit alright *cries* ;_;.

This is not how CnC works. You asked for people to point out flaws so you can improve, don't take it personal. GMs, or Game Masters, aren't necessarily replaymakers. Your way of acting right now is very very childish, take my advice and grow up.

Originally Posted by bgjames1 View Post
plus I have 100 views IN ONE DAY this cause for a party *grabing 2 beers*toast to my replays

Good job.
13kb of replays can't take more than a few seconds to make, don't call yourself a replaymaker untill you spend atleast 30 minutes on each replay, or until you're actually good at making replays.
Sorry about all the hate in this post. I really think you should learn a lesson though. This is the internet, expect people to expres themselfs freely.
Originally Posted by jisse View Post
They're giving you CnC, that's what you asked for... He never said they were hacked or changed in any other way. Just no...

This is not how CnC works. You asked for people to point out flaws so you can improve, don't take it personal. GMs, or Game Masters, aren't necessarily replaymakers. Your way of acting right now is very very childish, take my advice and grow up.

Good job.
13kb of replays can't take more than a few seconds to make, don't call yourself a replaymaker untill you spend atleast 30 minutes on each replay, or until you're actually good at making replays.
Sorry about all the hate in this post. I really think you should learn a lesson though. This is the internet, expect people to expres themselfs freely.

I know I was going all power crazy those other days I never had anything good any other time I have learn a leason that I should take more time on replays I don't want to be like jucke in the crappy replay thread thing but I might start doing one at a time thanks everyone for teaching me the art of spar. also i forgot to mention here is my replays for today.also these are samples so enjoy also masterpiece.rpl is a pose.
Attached Files
body smasher.rpl (21.9 KB, 6 views)
no legs decap.rpl (30.4 KB, 5 views)
DM punch.rpl (30.2 KB, 6 views)
headball.rpl (24.6 KB, 4 views)
headless.rpl (46.6 KB, 5 views)
masterpiece.rpl (27.3 KB, 6 views)
master kick.rpl (33.0 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by bgjames1; Apr 22, 2013 at 10:32 PM.
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719
Hey here's some advice:

When making replays, don't give up. Replay makers don't just say 'I'm gonna make a madman' and 3 minutes later make it look like one of Jisse's. That's not how toribash works. People spend HOURS on their replays like me. Hard work really pays off once it is done. Also, I gave you that video for you to improve because I and the community are your friends. We want you to improve. We want you to be a good replay maker. It took me 8 months to make me what I currently am, and the road to success isn't finished yet. You are someone with a lot pf potential but you aren't quite there yet.

Like I said, I advise you to watch that video made by one of the greatest sparrers that have been known.
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this
you realize that i was doing this to entertain people like build drama in my replays people love drama that's why i came to the idea how do get people to look at your replays? simple equation that i always use replays + post + Drama = Buzz and views about thread. and that cry post i wasn't really doing any sobbing or sort its a act i always do in drastic time so thanks for the Cnc i was doing some of it in multiplayer but i couldn't replay it when he left. so that explains what i have been doing yesterday the whole time.
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719
So you nagged about people that are trying to help you so you could build ''drama''
This is no shitty theater, it's a place where people share their creations
no matter how good ore bad they are it's just about having fun and giving advice
so suck this shit upp and grow upp to learn how to take some negative coments.
there are always negative coments, so dont expect everyone to say that it's the best
replay ever

This thread is hal off shame worthy in my eyes but eh
try to take Cnc as positiv...
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
I did didn't you here what I said in there I said thanks for the cnc that is how I took it positive and negative I learn this from my dad we live in a cruel world so I take things lightly so idc if its best, worst,neutral,laid black, whatever at least I got people looking at them and by looking at everyone else who achieve I failed what I have done so this is what i been doing for the past 4.5 years standing looking around and i had so little time that i can't do anything about it xioi you can act general if you want to but i'm going to make any replay that i get my hands on.
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719
That's it from me

I'm not giving you anymore cnc. Unless you stop the drama and actually find CnC useful, I ain't gonna CnC your replays. I took time making that advice thing. Iwas expecting you to be glad for it. Now look. You're thingking of excuses just to avoid negative CnC. Like what xioi said, this is no bullshit theater. This is a place to show creativity. And don't be all 'drama-y' like that. People give you CnC. People don't want your entertainment. They want your CnC. And don't be glad for 100 views in a day. Only like 10-11 view your replays for CnC. Furthermore only 3 people give CnC. Now stop this bullshit or I won't cnc your replays. Ever
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this
Originally Posted by Nagato9757 View Post
That's it from me

I'm not giving you anymore cnc. Unless you stop the drama and actually find CnC useful, I ain't gonna CnC your replays. I took time making that advice thing. Iwas expecting you to be glad for it. Now look. You're thingking of excuses just to avoid negative CnC. Like what xioi said, this is no bullshit theater. This is a place to show creativity. And don't be all 'drama-y' like that. People give you CnC. People don't want your entertainment. They want your CnC. And don't be glad for 100 views in a day. Only like 10-11 view your replays for CnC. Furthermore only 3 people give CnC. Now stop this bullshit or I won't cnc your replays. Ever

look nagato I know you and you know me Cnc is pretty good also plus I don't deal with people that's rude to me I already had a tough time today and now your talking about me now LOOK I'M BEING POSITIVE right now that you been here for like what 3 to 4 years now so a lot of my creations were worthless because the old replays were horrible last time I made a replay server jucke comment on my replays and say that they are not interesting so I closed made other replays and boom came up with this,so now I can't help the fact that I can do shit about it but fix it just that now I been hated by people now and this is what it is now you can call me crazy but it works to me I just go with anything either its Cnc or help or advice I can't have anyone steping me down as a loner a person that nobody gives a damn about so I give you a answer that I say Ron simmons:i'm tired of people saying that one word and that would make me say DAMN!
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719
James if I will. Stop making replays. You have nothing to offer and when someone CnC's you, you throw a fit and get all defensive. As Jisse said, take time with your replays, but until then you have nothing good. If you have something good (Don't get me wrong you'll still get CnC as anybody would) you are less likely to get CnC saying work on your replays longer. I don't get why my CnC made you close your other replay thread. I WAS GIVING YOU CNC, THAT"S WHAT YOU ASKED FOR! Also your not hated, making bad replays doesn't get you hated, however your personality does. Please before you blame anybody, blame yourself.
jucke that's why I blocked your replys so I don't want to here them also says to guy that had posted replay post after replay post on his own thread.
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719