Endurance Onslaught 6.0
lol, i see nothing wrong with Insane's post
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes, then, by the time you criticize him, you'll be a mile away, and you'll have his shoes
I'm sorry if you found my post offensive/upsetting in anyway. It was not intended to be, but I am aware that it could be viewed as extremely offensive/upsetting, due to its extremely serious nature. I tried to make the joke aparent by including a smiley face. Obviousy this was not enough to make do for all the damage I caused to you, your friends and your family in the comment beforehand. I just hope you can see it in your heart to forgive me, as it was a joke gone terribly wrong. It deeply saddens me that the post would've been viewed as it was, and if I had known that, I would have put several more smiley faces and written 'LOL JUST JOKING GUYZ LOL' in my post.

Once again, I am extremely upset and sorry for you, as this has been a traumatic experience. Hopefully you find a sense of humour soon, as life will be hard without one.
'Speed doesn't kill people. It's coming to a sudden stop that kills you' - Anon
'A witty saying proves nothing' - Anon
'The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one.' — George Bernard Shaw
I'm sorry if you found my post offensive/upsetting in anyway. It was not intended to be, but I am aware that it could be viewed as extremely offensive/upsetting, due to its extremely serious nature. I tried to make the joke aparent by including a smiley face. Obviousy this was not enough to make do for all the damage I caused to you, your friends and your family in the comment beforehand. I just hope you can see it in your heart to forgive me, as it was a joke gone terribly wrong. It deeply saddens me that the post would've been viewed as it was, and if I had known that, I would have put several more smiley faces and written 'LOL JUST JOKING GUYZ LOL' in my post.

Once again, I am extremely upset and sorry for you, as this has been a traumatic experience. Hopefully you find a sense of humour soon, as life will be hard without one.

Seriously, wtf dude, how can you say something like that. You have no idea how deeply that hurts me. I'll never be able to view you the same way again. I can't take this, I think I may have to leave the clan. /sarcasm
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes, then, by the time you criticize him, you'll be a mile away, and you'll have his shoes
That hurts my feelings greatly Insane, how could you have done something like that.

I am glad you are deeply sorry, and if you are truely sorry, I may consider forgiving you for the cost of anal sex.

add that to the fact that he basically copy pasted my post and that's like joke fail times 4
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes, then, by the time you criticize him, you'll be a mile away, and you'll have his shoes
Originally Posted by Cinamintz View Post

Suck my D*ck!

If you think I'm not funny don't be a dick in the mud. Just shut up!

I think you mean a stick in the mud

p.s. if that was a joke then I'm sorry but it wasn't funny, good attempt though, or maybe English just isn't your first language, I hear idioms are really hard for people learning English to pick up on

p.p.s. why did you censor dick the first time but not the second time?
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes, then, by the time you criticize him, you'll be a mile away, and you'll have his shoes
Holy shoot guys.

It was a side comment.

Like I give a Sh*t if you laugh. I'm just exspressing my sence of humorz :O

And I am infact north american. English is my first language :P