Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Oh nice, i'll follow this thread then. I haven't watch any anime nor read manga recently

these fam are unforgettable for sure

Aegis | jdawg2001 | rawrneru | Manta | DarkDranz | Trice | Raiken

Aeon - RAM - Liquor

Finished Clannad: After Story last night for the first time. My heart bro.. my heart..

If you haven't seen Clannad/Clannad: After Story, warning there are spoilers ahead. More importantly, what the heck go watch both now.

Firstly, I would like to say that I personally enjoyed After Story (AS for simplicity) more than Clannad. I'm not sure I can pin exactly why, but I will try my best. I believe one of the sole reasons I enjoyed it more was the closure we get with Tomoya and Nagisa's relationship (episodes 16-21 were hard on my soul though). I enjoyed seeing them get a happy ending. One thing I found super interesting were the parallels the show drew between Tomoya and Tomoya's father. Up until the last couple episodes, Tomoya saw his father in a negative light as the only interactions he could remember of his father at the time were ones of his father's negligance of Tomoya, although we learn that this was not necessarily true. When Ushio and Tomoya went on the trip up north to the flower patch, Tomoya realizes that he was just like his father, ignoring Ushio for 5 years and just being a terrible father overall. This moment of realization struck me really hard was one of the best scenes in this series. Tomoya's grandma a real G.

The conclusion of the other world was rather interesting. I don't really have much to say about this since I don't really understand it, nor do I think it was intended for the audience to understand the other world. Throughout both series, I had been trying to guess who the two characters in the other world could represent but alas it was difficult and everytime I thought I was right, the show threw me off. As the other world ended it was a pleasant surprise to see that the girl was Ushio and the robot was Tomoya. The moment when Ushi said "See you later papa" or something similar was a moment that put a smile on my face. In the case for the weird plot magic that was going on that I didn't really enjoy in Clannad, I think it works here in AS for the simple fact that I really hoped for a happy ending lol.

Overall, I think I'd give AS a 9.5/10. I really enjoyed the show and I loved all the characters for the most part. One thing I did miss in this show that was different in Clannad was all the interactions between the characters. I really missed Sonohara in AS as we only saw him like 3 times.

As always, these are just my initial thoughts after finishing the show, so if I missed anything please let me know

going to write something about God of High School as the show is nearing it's end
Last edited by wizard; Sep 18, 2020 at 07:23 AM.


"I really wanna watch this ive heard so many good things about it but i really dislike how the characters look man lol" - quoting from youtube comment

Originally Posted by Wizard View Post
Every anime? Might take a while since I haven't been keeping up with MAL, but I can try tomorrow. Also, just finished clannad after story. I liked it very much and will write more later.

just anime that you want to review
Indonesian? | Magical Mode!
Chronoptic energy bursts from one plane to the other, evaporating anything it touches.

Originally Posted by Fake View Post
"I really wanna watch this ive heard so many good things about it but i really dislike how the characters look man lol" - quoting from youtube comment

just anime that you want to review

honestly, the character designs really didn't bug me, I think it's just something that you get used to after a few episodes. The show is really good, so I would suggest just trying to push through the character design.

Yea I will be rating the anime that I want to review


Originally Posted by Wizard View Post
honestly, the character designs really didn't bug me, I think it's just something that you get used to after a few episodes. The show is really good, so I would suggest just trying to push through the character design.

Yea I will be rating the anime that I want to review

Maybe ill try watch 2-3 eps after I finished SAO
Indonesian? | Magical Mode!
Chronoptic energy bursts from one plane to the other, evaporating anything it touches.

God of Highschool is pretty much just Yu Yu Hakusho right?


I'm your top tier waifu.
Visit my panda thread!
I'm also Event Squad! Slide into my DMs for questions!
Pssst! Aeon is just boomer Adventure. Pass it on.
it's uh.... not that good. The only thing that it has going for it is that its fight scenes are beautiful. Other than that, the story is completely rushed and there's 1000 things goin on at once atm.

Haven't read the manhwa but im sure it's much better


Just watched ep 12 of God of Highschool. Seems like they fucked it up a ton from the comments I'm reading. The fights are cool as hell, but there's been 12 episodes and no plot. It sucks. If you're interested, I'd probably suggest just going to read the manhwa.


Well shit
I really like Han Daewi and his polo

I feel like I need to insert my own comments as of episode 6.

I like it, I like the fighting scenes, I like the mini storylines to flesh each character out. (so far)


Last edited by Nitrate; Sep 23, 2020 at 05:25 AM.

I'm your top tier waifu.
Visit my panda thread!
I'm also Event Squad! Slide into my DMs for questions!
Pssst! Aeon is just boomer Adventure. Pass it on.


Also, started watching Erased because I have never seen it and I have no clue why. 1st ep down and holy shit what
