Originally Posted by Fee View Post
m m m m marco

Who will answer all the questions now. :|
Just by living, people hurt others without even realizing it. So long as humanity exists, hate will also exist. There is no peace in this cursed world. War is just a crime paid for by the pain of the defeated...

Originally Posted by Fee View Post
m m m m marco


Anyways - It's impossible. What about all the alts and forgotten accounts? It would be a huge list of crap - jk1, jk2, jk5, 1jkd .. *continued endlessly


yes i agree with Tekro...a list of people who quit or left toribash would be impossible...I personally think the ban list is hard enough for the gms to keep up to date =/
Bust3r quit, but he posted once after 5 or 6 months, I also think Rayleigh quit I haven't seen that guy in ages.
Last edited by MrJingles; Jul 3, 2011 at 02:45 PM.
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
Finding out who left is not possible because peoples' accounts would still linger on even after they totally left the game.

But the ban list...
I Think mosier left. I haven't seen him or any of his posts in a long time.
And, i'm not sure if this counts, but this is my last day before I'm leaving. This is probably my last post. So,as far as I know that nobody has mentioned yet, is me and Mosier.
Originally Posted by Fee View Post
m m m m marco

You can catch Marco in IRC.
<Fish> How is being a dumbass a form of venting? Is this some sort of flatulence related joke?