Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Hehe, I have a bundle of serious problems in RL. I should talk to mah parents about it but I don't ;o.
Echomarine 4 the win
Hey, you're looking a text written by one of the most fucked up people on here, just nobody suspects shit because i type full and have a little brains, unlike the majority here, though, i've never really shared my problems with anyone, i keep it to myself and explode with rage later down the line. I know it's not healthy, and i wouldn't wish it upon anyone else, so if you need to talk, i'm here for you.
collect snots from the nose
HOOOOOOWDY !!! // told ya i was going to say that //

Umh the suicide thing was just a joke :o ... but i seriousely was depressed .... its nice to see i have great friends like you guys ! Cya around or in game !

Like Tona said .... LETS ROCK ALITTLE BIT XD