Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Nice. How do you turn on and off the script?
Tbh i never used a script before
Nice job.

@william yeah, i think it should be draw if nobody reaches the points. But also it should be at the ops discretion to spec someone if he feels like they are noobs for example. I don't want to see fish flopping on the ground for 5 turns, ya know...
Pm me for deals
really like the mod, helps out people who arent used to esports and comebacks
Ultimate King Bach Vine Compilation 2017 (w/Titles) Funny KingBach Vines - Co Viners
Kane, how has it worked out so far?
Now doing recoloring for people not in the clan as-well, PM for more info!
Very good overall.

Almost everyone who tried it liked it and i always find people to play it with.

One of the main small problems is only the amount of time it can take(matches can be over very quick,too),when u have a full room it can take too long for people who are lower in the queue.U can lower the pointlimit further but theres a limit on how far down u can go before it tips the other way and isnt fun anymore because its over too quick.

It very much depends on the players how long a match will take.After my experience the quickest matches are (obviously) when a "bad" player fights against a "very good" player.
Interestingly enough, i have seen several matches where "very good" players are fighting each other and the match takes a lot of time because of their understanding of the game´s point-and block mechanics.Those were really very tense gameplaywise with lots of strong kicks and punches and good blocks or dodges and very pleaseant to look at(in the replay).

Imo the optimal way of playing this would be a classic ladder knockout tourney.

Some things i want to do in the near future:

-open a healthbarhotseatroom where people are playing against me.Whoever beats me gets 5k.

-open a beginnerroom with these rules.In this room i will be in spec and only "noobs" are allowed to join.By "noobs" i mean people from like black belt-3rd dan black belt,so people who should have understood the gamemechanics somewhat by now.
They will fight a match with the rules and whoever wins the match gets 1k.The winner gets fspecd(and fenterd) after the match.(tbh,not sure how this will turn out,i´ll see)

The whole point of it is to give people an evironment to play strikingmods in where comebacks(or at least not running) are neccessary to win(and therefore rewarding) even in , for example, a 1 million tc duel.
Last edited by Kane; Mar 20, 2018 at 05:12 PM.
Always playing lenshu with Kane and really like this rules.
I have an idea Kane. How about tourney or bets with this rules? Ill sponsor if you want and also I think that your idea of playing mods will be so famous as Eminem.
Hey,good idea.We can do a normal knockoutourney with the rules.Lets throw some tc in together to get a nice price.
I would prefer if we could co-host this , so that when,for example,the pointlimit is reached within the same turn and it is not immediatly clear who won,i can leave the room and check the replay in slowmow again.This way it will be assured there will always be a host in the room.

This is also the reason i strongly advise against a bettingroom with these rules since it can lead to situations that the player who won with the rules lost by the normal game rules.And then the bets will paid out to the wrong persons and that will lead to problems.
Only if these rules were hardcoded in toribash(optional ofc)a betting server could work.

What i will definitley try to organize is a big bracket healthbarknockouttourney. First to 2 or 3 wins. 100k-150k pointlimit. Big price. Donations for this are welcome;-).

p.s.:I hope it is clear that these rules can be used by anyone.In fact the highest praise for me would be to open tb and see a room with people in it who use the rules.
Last edited by Kane; Mar 28, 2018 at 10:59 PM.
There will be a knockouthealthbartourney tomorrow or on monday.

Here are the rules for this kind of tourney.


-1500 or 1000 matchframes
-if both players are not able to reach the pointlimit within the matchframes both will be disqualified.(except in finals)
-pointlimit will be announced at the start of the tourney
-if the pointlimit is reached within the same turn by both players and it is not immediatly clear who won i will leave the room for a moment to check the replay in slowmo.
-Just to clarify again: The first person who reaches the pointlimit wins immediatly,that means if u reach the pointlimit and dq in the same turn u have still won.



Here is every healthbarreplay i have.Almost all of them are in lenshu3ng but theres one ninjitsu and a wushureplay somewhere.also a few normal lenshu3ng matches.pointlimit can be from 60k to 100k points.

Just click "Alle herunterladen" (download all) in the upper left.


Protip: empty your replay folder(save them somewhere) and paste the the healthbar replays in it.Now open tb and just press escape to watch them all in one go.
Last edited by Kane; Mar 31, 2018 at 06:08 PM.
I dont think you have quit the server in order to check replays. I think you can have more tb opened at the same time. If it does not work with steam get an older version for checking replays
Pm me for deals
tourney will start in 2 hours from this post
starts at 7pm gmt/utc +2

@insanity: ye, i could also do that.we will see.