Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I HATE the new doctor and HATE the new series. It has totally spoilt things for me. I am a massive doctor who fan but now feel completely let down by the programme. Even my children can either take it or leave it now when before if they missed an episode it was like a major disaster.
Go check my myspace myspace.com/tatookerryx

I like Matt Smith's Doctor, he's well characterized and nowhere near as ADHD as Tennant's.
Lol yeah well I do have a life size poster of Tennant on my kitchen door that I say goodnight to before I go to bed.
I think what I dislike most is so far it seems to be Amy who has saved the day or thought up the answer to the problem. It should be the doctor he was always reliable and that was one of his best features that no matter how bad things got the doctor would ALWAYS save the day and make everything ok.
Go check my myspace myspace.com/tatookerryx
All three of the latest doctors have been totally awesome, though I do sort of like it how they're making him a little less of a wonder man so that the other characters actually have some purpose.

Totally pumped for Sunday's episode, bring on the goooooods!
lead Sigma
Originally Posted by JustKerry View Post
I HATE the new doctor and HATE the new series. It has totally spoilt things for me. I am a massive doctor who fan but now feel completely let down by the programme. Even my children can either take it or leave it now when before if they missed an episode it was like a major disaster.

Sort of similar thoughts here.

I'm hoping they bring back a classic villain (the rani, the valeyard, the meddling monk), but IIRC moffat said he wasnt going to.


It's still far and away the best series on television though, in my opinion
The only reason I've been watching is to see if it can possibly get any worse. It's just pure cack now.

Someone should shove one of those faggoty looking new Daleks up the director's arse so he knows how painful it is to watch.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Eh, yeah I don't really like the new Daleks that much, hoping they get their ass handed to them and only the supreme is left or something, at least that one is cool.

I can see what you guys do mean though, some stuff is sorta shit in it. (eg: the daleks(then again moffat didn't write that))

White text spoilers: After rewatching Blink yesterday, I do really think that the new angels are a hell of a lot creepier, there's just something about the whole image thing and the deformed bodies that scares the shit out of me.
lead Sigma
The Blink episode freaked the shit out of me. Very few things have ever frightened me in a movie or on tv, but those angels made me paranoid about what's behind me.
It was scary for me when I saw it a few years ago but it really wasn't when I rewatched it.

Also, I still don't get it why no one likes the Beast Below episode, I really like it
lead Sigma
Well it doesn't worry me any more, but at the time it really disturbed me. And the Best Below and follow episodes were pretty good. The 'demon' thing looked purty awesome.