Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by lloyd54321 View Post
hello i am lloyd i want to be able to join Electric becuase i saw it on the clan page and i saw there replays and they looked nice and i think i have the skill to be apart of the clan
i enjoy sparring playing aikido and TK i have been in 2 clans and i am active almost i also live in springfiled eveyday i am 15 years old and i like making friends i hope you can accept me in your clan thank you for reading this

whos man is this
Originally Posted by Nurl View Post
IGN: Nurl as you can see
GMT: -4:00 (Eastern Daylight Time)



My real name is Marcus and i am 13. I Live in Michigan in the US. My Grandma died last month and im really sad about it still ;-; . My past clans are [mylittle] [im] (leash) and thats all i can think of.

Why I Want To Join: honestly Electric is the best clan ever. You guys improve really fast. you beat alot of wars and you guys are a really experienced clan. Electric Deserves rank 1 in the clan list. i would be really good for the clan by winning matches in wars and helping out. i wish to make new friends in this clan and help the clan improve as well. I can frac and dm in abd really good too. I can also host betting servers really well. People I know in the clan are remzombie and Carls but i hope to get to know even more people in the clan.

I would add replays if I knew how ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-;

my best mods are abd, rk-mma, ninjitsu and taekkyon. any other mods i can become better at them fast. unless its hatching uke. because its hatching uke.

Sorry if the app is really short, im not very good at making apps. I tried my hardest on this one though because im really interested in joined like i said before .

I vote yes
Sorry to invade <3 But This Nurl Guy Has Played Longer then I have On this Account And Doesn't No How To Post Replays Nice!
Hi Xydra
Voxov - Application
Hey all! My name is VoxoV. As a player who plays this game for fun and competition, Electric seems like the perfect clan for that. I'd love to be part of [e]Electric!

My real name is Samuel and I am 17 years old. I found, quite by accident, Toribash in late 2011 and played for around 2 years until I was black belt. After a 3 years long break I came back to this game and got hooked once again. This time for good. After playing for a week I found something I had in myself I couldn't find anywhere else: my competitive spirit and my love of fighting stronger opponents. Every time I play, I try to beat players that are stronger than me. Even if I lose over and over again I can only get exited to fight them again. and WIN. Some people say it's a disadvantage to be competitive but I think it just pushes me forward and let's me reach ever higher heights.

Alright time to talk about the real me. I'm from Quebec, Canada. I'm french but can write and speak English almost perfectly. I'm currently getting a Degree in computer science and only have one year left. Then I'm taking a programming course to become a game developer. I'm a great artist as well and might start making textures for TB soon. That's all I have to say about lil' me!

Now more about TB me. I'm currently Brown Belt on VoxoV soon to be black (No not like that). Like I said earlier I always fight people that are stronger than me and some times find myself besting 7th dan players. I love to bet and duel but sometimes I get too cocky and lose all my profit e-e. But the most important thing that you should need to know about me is that I will never let an opportunity to get better or to learn pass by. I'm always looking to get better and that will to get better is precious to me. My favorite mods are any -kido mods (especially ABD), sparring and parkouring (I'm not an experienced sparrer but I'm not horrible at it).

As to why I want to join this clan. Well, this clan got my attention when i fought a couple of Electric member and was surprised by how skilled they were! And as a guy who loves improving himself I thought I had much to learn from this clan. I checked out the wars this clan has fought before and couldn't help myself but to get exited to be part of one of these war myself and lead this clan up the ranks!

I will try to be more active on the forums but it's not my strong point. But i'll be glad to try my best! I'll accept any advice form anyone concerning forum posting and such.

As a young and growing player I'd be honored to learn from you guys and to grow along with the clan. My Skype username is dovagame. I'm not the shy type to fell free to call me ^^. That's it for my app! I sincerely hope that you guys accept me and I look forward to playing with you guys!

Last edited by VoxoV; Aug 21, 2016 at 06:19 AM. Reason: Adding some info
Originally Posted by VoxoV View Post
Hey all! My name is VoxoV. As a player who plays this game for fun and competition, Electric seems like the perfect clan for that. I'd love to be part of [e]Electric!

My real name is Samuel and I am 17 years old. I found, quite by accident, Toribash in late 2011 and played for around 2 years until I was black belt. After a 3 years long break I came back to this game and got hooked once again. This time for good. After playing for a week I found something I had in myself I couldn't find anywhere else: my competitive spirit and my love of fighting stronger opponents. Every time I play, I try to beat players that are stronger than me. Even if I lose over and over again I can only get exited to fight them again. and WIN. Some people say it's a disadvantage to be competitive but I think it just pushes me forward and let's me reach ever higher heights.

Alright time to talk about the real me. I'm from Quebec, Canada. I'm french but can write and speak English almost perfectly. I'm currently getting a Degree in computer science and only have one year left. Then I'm taking a programming course to become a game developer. I'm a great artist as well and might start making textures for TB soon. That's all I have to say about lil' me!

Now more about TB me. I'm currently Brown Belt on VoxoV soon to be black (No not like that). Like I said earlier I always fight people that are stronger than me and some times find myself besting 7th dan players. I love to bet and duel but sometimes I get too cocky and lose all my profit e-e. But the most important thing that you should need to know about me is that I will never let an opportunity to get better or to learn pass by. I'm always looking to get better and that will to get better is precious to me. My favorite mods are any -kido mods (especially ABD), sparring and parkouring (I'm not an experienced sparrer but I'm not horrible at it).

As to why I want to join this clan. Well, this clan got my attention when i fought a couple of Electric member and was surprised by how skilled they were! And as a guy who loves improving himself I thought I had much to learn from this clan. I checked out the wars this clan has fought before and couldn't help myself but to get exited to be part of one of these war myself and lead this clan up the ranks!

I will try to be more active on the forums but it's not my strong point. But i'll be glad to try my best! I'll accept any advice form anyone concerning forum posting and such.

As a young and growing player I'd be honored to learn from you guys and to grow along with the clan. My Skype username is dovagame. I'm not the shy type to fell free to call me ^^. That's it for my app! I sincerely hope that you guys accept me and I look forward to playing with you guys!


very detailed i have seen you play and ur a very good player and person i sayYES
fuck 12, free all my shootaz
Originally Posted by VoxoV View Post
Hey all! My name is VoxoV. As a player who plays this game for fun and competition, Electric seems like the perfect clan for that. I'd love to be part of [e]Electric!

My real name is Samuel and I am 17 years old. I found, quite by accident, Toribash in late 2011 and played for around 2 years until I was black belt. After a 3 years long break I came back to this game and got hooked once again. This time for good. After playing for a week I found something I had in myself I couldn't find anywhere else: my competitive spirit and my love of fighting stronger opponents. Every time I play, I try to beat players that are stronger than me. Even if I lose over and over again I can only get exited to fight them again. and WIN. Some people say it's a disadvantage to be competitive but I think it just pushes me forward and let's me reach ever higher heights.

Alright time to talk about the real me. I'm from Quebec, Canada. I'm french but can write and speak English almost perfectly. I'm currently getting a Degree in computer science and only have one year left. Then I'm taking a programming course to become a game developer. I'm a great artist as well and might start making textures for TB soon. That's all I have to say about lil' me!

Now more about TB me. I'm currently Brown Belt on VoxoV soon to be black (No not like that). Like I said earlier I always fight people that are stronger than me and some times find myself besting 7th dan players. I love to bet and duel but sometimes I get too cocky and lose all my profit e-e. But the most important thing that you should need to know about me is that I will never let an opportunity to get better or to learn pass by. I'm always looking to get better and that will to get better is precious to me. My favorite mods are any -kido mods (especially ABD), sparring and parkouring (I'm not an experienced sparrer but I'm not horrible at it).

As to why I want to join this clan. Well, this clan got my attention when i fought a couple of Electric member and was surprised by how skilled they were! And as a guy who loves improving himself I thought I had much to learn from this clan. I checked out the wars this clan has fought before and couldn't help myself but to get exited to be part of one of these war myself and lead this clan up the ranks!

I will try to be more active on the forums but it's not my strong point. But i'll be glad to try my best! I'll accept any advice form anyone concerning forum posting and such.

As a young and growing player I'd be honored to learn from you guys and to grow along with the clan. My Skype username is dovagame. I'm not the shy type to fell free to call me ^^. That's it for my app! I sincerely hope that you guys accept me and I look forward to playing with you guys!


Iv seen you in game and very detailed I vote [B]Yes