Alright, everybody be quiet and listen to me

I have already talked with Sev about this face to face.

It is now known to everybody that clan Guardian is a noob clan, mistake after mistake have led to this.

Wild, Extreme, Crazy, Kamil, Dan, and everybody else, Guardian must be disband.

Listen to me everybody, I mean look at at Extreme, he decaped Imsku in TK, and I wouldn't be surprised if he will end up in DAT

Look at Danvari, he's awesome at mods, and he actually uses notepad instead of world builder, I'm sure he will be in the in the Mod Teams someday

And everybody else is awesome at everything else

Listen to me everybody! You need to get out of Guardian, start a new clan if you want, but cut your ties with Guardian

Yes we had good and bad memories, but we have to severe those lines the hold us back

Guardian must be disband.

This is my final letter, I hope you all follow it.

I am not using this as an excuse to leave the clan and go to another, I might not even join another clan, will go clanless for a while.

We will all be friends, we will each have each others back.

Good luck with everyone

I am cutting my ties with Guardian, but I'm not cutting it with all you Guardians

And goodbye

P.S: Nothing