Original Post
[GM]Battle of the OCE's

Hey, welcome to a Clan Event hosted by the Gamemasters!
Do you think your clan got what it takes to create an awesome spar followed up by an eyecatching edit with that one spar?
Then this event is for you, chap.

This event will be split up in two rounds with different deadlines.
Judges: The Gamemasters

In this round you will create a multiplayer spar with a fellow clan member.
The chosen mod will be xspar.tbm(Not allowed to change anything other than amount of frames and distance between toris)
You are allowed to change your entry until the deadline of round 1 has passed.

Round one deadline: 10th of May

In the 2nd round you will create the video. Keep in mind that the video needs to be created by someone from the clan.
The video is not allowed to be longer than one minute and needs to consist of the spar replay + in some way crediting your clan, the players and this event.

Round two deadline: 23rd of May

You may not change anything within the mod "xspar.tbm" except amount of frames and distance between toris.(You are, however, allowed to lower the turnframes while playing)
The video has to consist of the spar replay and some form of credit for the clan, the players and this event.
Deadlines will NOT be pushed on, they are there for a reason and you will be disqualified if you fail to post the replay or video before the deadline.

1st: Quicksilver Force
2nd: Supernova Force

Clan name: Family
Clan tag:[Fa]
Players sparring: Flash, ZeTo
Video editor: ZeTo
Edit your application post with the spar and video.
Last edited by zeto; May 24, 2013 at 04:19 AM.
Time's ticking and no spar has been posted yet, once you've chosen your entry do like Hattersin did and edit your post with it.

Good luck guys!
Clan name: Vector
Clan tag:[Vector]
Players sparring: BRRRHAHA and AADAME
Video editor: Hours and Aadame

Last edited by Hours; May 18, 2013 at 12:38 AM.
A fair amount of applications, liking it.

The first round ends in 25 hours after this post, get your spars up fellas.
*half hour before ends*

Here's the sparr. But Brrr pinged just at the end so this is how much i got :/

EDIT: Hours didn't edit he's post because he is not in home. So he will do that layter.
Attached Files
Sparr for Event2.rpl (907.1 KB, 47 views)
~RIP [Vector], Shikkumo's butthole
Replays, Videos
Clan name: Family
Clan tag:[Fa]
Players sparring: Internet, Hucota7
Video editor: Not yet decided
Attached Files
mlg spar.rpl (228.8 KB, 21 views)