Size ? full 512
Price range 50k
Colors ? hunter and static plz

I hardly play games anymore.. sorry to disappoint
What kind of Texture do you want ? Cartoon ,Size ?512 -Pricerange? 50-60k-Colors ?quick silver, demon. Cobra -Any Details? - model it off of ninja gaiden, make it match the set, finger less gloves, just search ninja gaiden on Google, plz,make realistic looking
Shad666 is faster than you mecha, sorry
Adding Shad666 to the list, and you can only request head texture From now
What kind of Texture do you want ? (Cartoon, Robotic, etc..) Realistic/cartoon [head]
Size ? - 512x512
Price range ? - 5k+
Colors ? - Demon , the regular red torso color
Any Details? - Make it a sort of ninja.

P.S. : You sort of copied my apllication ;)