Originally Posted by MoldyRobot View Post
I understand that, but the op was attacked repeatedly and from all sides with no help in sight. It was just one example of many times disrespect happens in this community. The art board is just one example.

You know you can just walk away from the computer right the op didn't have to keep arguing. The fact that he kept coming back for more and more says something.
You make it sound like we crucified him and everyone just watched. When it was really just a disagreement online. I don't 100% understand how the proves the community is toxic. It kind of just sounds like you're over sensitive
“Aaah rum zum zum aaah rum zum zum booly booly booly booly booly rum zum zum”
Originally Posted by wibblefox View Post
In the art sub that's a holdover from stone's days iirc, he didn't like """useless""" posts like "good video I really enjoyed it" so now every post has to be "cnc" but of course the first c is totally ignored and you are only really allowed to post criticism. That combined with the no mspaint rule (or however they call it).

If they just had a few less rules and let people post happily, then things like that wouldn't happen.

Matarika's style isn't perfect but maybe some people don't get that this isn't a professional video editing forum.

I totally agree with your point. But that is my point exactly. As I said above, there's a difference between constructive criticism and making someone feel like shit.

Originally Posted by Ele View Post
It seems like matarika got offended, said some silly stuff and then everyone piled onto him for saying that silly stuff. Hobo certainly could've been more friendly and constructive in his feedback, but matarika shouldn't have taken it so harshly.

It's not right to say that matarika is solely a victim. He invited that all when he flipped out after hobo's criticism.

People shouldn't be so mean when giving cnc but hey, it's the internet - Anonymity gives bitches the balls to say shit that they'd never say irl. It used to be talk shit, get hit. Now, with the internet, there's no check or repercussions on people's actions. You're getting real, unfiltered opinions. The truth hurts.

All you can do is man up.

My point exactly, except for your last sentence. The name of this thread is disrespect after all. I agree that Matarika is not soley the victim, but it is right to say that hobo was 100% the agressor that put Matarika into a defensive state which triggered the rest. As I've talked about in a prior post, many people say trigger words to get a rise out of people. And the main point of this thread was to draw attention to the disrespect and negativity and toxicity that's going on in the community right now. People shouldn't have to "man up". This should be a place for creativity freedom and right now, it is not. Matarika is just one example of this happening.

Originally Posted by Pimp View Post
You know you can just walk away from the computer right the op didn't have to keep arguing. The fact that he kept coming back for more and more says something.
You make it sound like we crucified him and everyone just watched. When it was really just a disagreement online. I don't 100% understand how the proves the community is toxic. It kind of just sounds like you're over sensitive

Yes, you COULD just walk away from the computer. And Tsuion COULD have walked away without getting another word in. The fact of the matter is that most people on the forums does not have either A.) the maturity level to have a civil conversation, B.) Do not realize that they are heating up to the level that they are, and when they do realize, its too late to back out and they're fuming. or C.) People come on these forums to be toxic. The 2nd option is probably what happened in Matrika's situation. But the fact of the matter is that the OP was provoked and backed into a defensive position like a caged animal and went off on anyone nearby.

"The fact that he kept coming back for more and more..." When people are angry, they don't calmly take a step back like you said they can. I know you've been angry before and that's the truth. We all know what the ideal environment would've been that the OP could've walked away, took a deep breathe and came back. But in reality, 90% of people do not have the wisdom to walk away. But you've been focusing on the OP not doing something, let's look at the comments. The commentators could've seen that the OP was offended by the original post and used more charismatic words. Or even better, they could've come into the comments with a constructive frame of mind and not typed so carelessly as they did. But as this was not an ideal situation, they kept coming back for "more and more".

And that's what this thread is here to discuss. The level of disrespect on TB. I'm not saying the OP was right in that situation, hell, I'm saying that the OP is wrong in the way that they reacted. They disrespected the commentators and vice versa. And that is not okay. Its a sad day when someone is attacked over and over again with words on a forum of a game that we all play and all love. Yet it happens all over the site.

If you want more examples of toxicity on the TB forums, I'll be happy to post more threads here calling out different people. then we can discuss if you believe it was disrespect or not.

First example: Insulting in a thread where we're having a civil conversation:
Originally Posted by Pimp View Post
It kind of just sounds like you're over sensitive

There was no need for this and it just proves my point on how flippant comments are very unneeded and unappreciated.
Last edited by MoldyRobot; Jun 16, 2016 at 03:11 PM.
I think its ablut time this was closed...
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.