Y'know that time I made 10 million TC?

... No, most of you wouldn't know. Shame.

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
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Its going to be a toss up between Missuse and Hector. Hector basically had everything that was to offer. You could say Missuse is the new hector.
As for Ben saying Nuthug regarding if he was good or not as I've never seen him around him marketing.
Yea, hector did a good job losing a lot of money by investing it into this game.

And there is no “greatest” marketeer.
If you want to judge according to revenue and account value: leyz was the richest guy around last time I checked.
1handclap got very rich recently. Toast has almost all items of the game. Birdflu is one of the few who actually managed to profit by investing money into this game.
missuse is a rich penis.
Oh, and crux, crux and fee.
The list is long, I don't want to waste my and your time by naming them all.

There are a bunch of good ones that prosper well. At the moment only a few ones actually manage to make good profits off by doing marketing because of the TC sinks. Competition got rougher.
Being a good artist is probably easier money now.

Originally Posted by hanz0 View Post
Tremble in fear, for I am your master.

Last edited by Redundant; Jul 22, 2011 at 04:03 PM.
How are you?
Originally Posted by McBurger View Post
As for Ben saying Nuthug regarding if he was good or not as I've never seen him around him marketing.

He nearly beat hector to owning every item toribash had to offer, hector had to buy packs with money to beat him
at one point he owned 3 out of 6 of the sapphire relax's that were around at the time

and thats all i remember
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
rich penis?

the question is simple, who has made the most real cash out of toribash market?
owning items is not a valid point, Lucent has the most items (or had at some point) and he is not a good marketeer, I would call him a rich penis
but Redundant thinks me to be so

the point is, its all a mater of opinion, until u dig in to the cold black numbers
How much cash did u make with tb?
Last edited by missuse; Jul 22, 2011 at 04:09 PM.
wishful eyes deceive me
Originally Posted by missuse View Post
the point is, its all a mater of opinion, until u dig in to the cold black numbers
How much cash did u make with tb?

None, because I voluntarily functioned as a sentient TC sink.
I do believe that may render your point moot, unless you decide to exclude me, which would be mean.

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
if you love america please sign this petition
well I do not intend to be mean
but acting as a tc sink u must have had Nabis support, as in being able to sell no qi, transfer no qi, give user titles.... - something normal users can not,
on the other hand since Nabi gave u such a handicap, u could not sell the tc u got, u had to sink it
so your personal marketing skill would be much harder to evaluate, therefore I just decided to exclude you from my marketeer value system. Sorry

EDIT: on another note, I don't think u can talk about toribash members in terms who is the better marketeer, there are many that are good, it's how persistent they are.
Hector was persistent for years, many old users remember him. In fact when I started the market I admired him so much, only to find out much later he had invested in toribash much more than he earned. Which is off course super cool since he gave a huge boost to the developer of this I might say "drug like game".
BirdFlu has been around for ages too, he is well known but he newer took more than a month or two every six months on market, hence he lacked the greedy persistence
Fee was before my time, I know he had the most tc earned shop in the old market with 25 mill of sold items, until I sent him to 2nd place. He must have did something good
Anyone remember gabiel xD?
New ones are cool too: handclap1 and Star being the most worthy in my opinion

Anyhow, I started the market coz it was fun, never thought I would make so much (for a game I consider it much) real cash with it. But when it cams down, u can market in tb only for as long as u enjoy it, since doing practically anything irl will get u more funding.
Last edited by missuse; Jul 22, 2011 at 04:41 PM.
wishful eyes deceive me