I mean like MASS SCALE! Like german mass scale. THeres no other way to get our production up other then either doing 1 of 3 things.

1( Finding a group we can actually give reason to that would be a threat to the ENTIRE WORLD (That includes Australia)

2( Get people off their asses that can actually get a job and urge them to go get it otherwise they get kicked out of their residency.

3( Either reform or totally get rid of welfare and food stamps.

I mean its amazing how much you can buy with those damn food stamps.
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...
Originally Posted by Agentmax View Post
I mean like MASS SCALE! Like german mass scale. THeres no other way to get our production up other then either doing 1 of 3 things.

1( Finding a group we can actually give reason to that would be a threat to the ENTIRE WORLD (That includes Australia)

2( Get people off their asses that can actually get a job and urge them to go get it otherwise they get kicked out of their residency.

3( Either reform or totally get rid of welfare and food stamps.

I mean its amazing how much you can buy with those damn food stamps.

i believe welfare should only be given to people that cant work due to serve illness or a bad back n shit and teenagers that want to finish highschool before working, while as for the foodstamp's thing, let the people 70+ only use em >:O hahaha, there's already to many groups out there that are infact a threat to america (as we all know) but that can change whenever you never know.
Originally Posted by Nickone View Post
i believe welfare should only be given to people that cant work due to serve illness or a bad back n shit and teenagers that want to finish highschool before working, while as for the foodstamp's thing, let the people 70+ only use em >:O hahaha, there's already to many groups out there that are infact a threat to america (as we all know) but that can change whenever you never know.

I agree with most of that but I mean with welfare I think it should be revised as instead of when you make a certain amount instead of cutting them compeletly off you take a little away untill you get over the limit for you to get cut off. Now if you don't get a job within a certain time limit AND KEEP IT! you get off of welfare then you eventually go through the works of bankrupcy and all that good shit.
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...
Originally Posted by Agentmax View Post
I agree with most of that but I mean with welfare I think it should be revised as instead of when you make a certain amount instead of cutting them compeletly off you take a little away untill you get over the limit for you to get cut off. Now if you don't get a job within a certain time limit AND KEEP IT! you get off of welfare then you eventually go through the works of bankrupcy and all that good shit.

Actually... That kinda sounds about right. I could file for welfare right now. and get about... 200 bucks a fortnight that keeps up until im 18 then its 100 bucks a fortnight, but ill have a job by then main reason i dont want to do it is cause down here the money that they give u on welfare takes it out of your future earnings or someshit the lady was telling me. I think people just need to get a job! but ye
Enough of welfare I mean welfare has is perks and cons. I think the cons GREAT outweigh the pros so yea.
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...
well the Australian government is protecting criminals.

i dont know if use have this law over there.. But its UTTER bullshit!!

If Someone breaks into your home and falls over n breaks there leg they can sue you.....

WTF !?
Another one. Massacre in Norway, over 80 people dead. The perpetrator: Luxury in jail for 20 years or so.
I'd say the Norwegian government fucked up big time.
Toribash TakeOVER
<Colossus> ROFL
<Colossus> my friend got hit by a car
<Colossus> gonna go visit him. brb

[22:45:46] <Thorn> I know she likes it in the ear
[22:45:53] <Thorn> because when I put it to her mouth she turns away