Endurance Onslaught 6.0
join the army is not about making a war... is about discipline! =)

after you leave, you became a better person

not really xhiba 90% of people that leave the army are often mentally ill....and they often have very bad and suicidal behavior...but good luck punisher i wish you the best hunny
[WcG] [OLDA] [RL] [BRO] [WL] [SKL] [iG] ~[Aeon]....MOBI is BLACK and SEXY!! FTW
Gl, dude. Try to dodge the discipline correction work like: picking up smoked cigar parts (idk how its called on English :}) around the whole barracks, mopping latrines, unloading the crates with grenades and munition (my god, that stuff is HEAVY!). But, most of the time u will be very bored.
Originally Posted by tiffany45 View Post
not really xhiba 90% of people that leave the army are often mentally ill....and they often have very bad and suicidal behavior...

What? Its BS.
Army is about discipline and responsibility. There you can became a real man and learn to defend your country and family. (learn tactics, shooting from diff weapons, ect). There you will meet really great guys and became friends. This friendship could be very usefull after army.
You learn how to not be lazy.

About mentally ill.. Those who was shitty person before army, are shitty in army and after. Those who was normal guy before, is normal in army and after.

There will be little stress when comming back home. Cause all will be seems different than before and there will be adoptation period. But if you are cool, thats not the problem.

its from my experience.
Last edited by nblx; Jul 22, 2010 at 11:11 AM.
psh from what i've seen and heard people don't come back from the army a better person they come back really messed up
[WcG] [OLDA] [RL] [BRO] [WL] [SKL] [iG] ~[Aeon]....MOBI is BLACK and SEXY!! FTW
he said he will be here 3 days a week ;p
so thats seems like not bad place 2 serve if u can get back home sometimes ;p
Best of Luck to you Punisher.

as to what tiffany and nbl were saying. the army can help make a boy a man, the army can teach you discipline. you can meet cool people in the army, you can learn some good lessons.
but!!! the army teaches you some stupid shit too! obeying orders whitout asking for reasons and so on. working like a machine. eating, sleeping shitting when you're told.

every experience influences you, some more some less. and when you're under the total control of someone, or you're in an extreme situation for long time, the effect it has on you is probable to be much greater.
...that being said, the army will have a great influence on how you think, how you look at stuff, strong character or not.

and to say you have to be weak or stupid, if you crack up after or during the real life experience of war... then there is no point in any further discussion.
woah iznogood XD

anyways guys the recruit official day is this sunday (tho they told me to come today ) so i got a few days with yah guys XD thnx for all the things u said and snkaes ill said ill try to be online at least 3 days a week XD im not sure tho ill be on mah phone if i wont come back for weekends and i may get mah laptop but i may only use it in 3 time about a hour a day XD
Its like the guy ois who goes to the army if he is mentally week then i think he will get some problems but if a guy is like puni he will make uit ; D
Puni FTW