I don't even know, i've pretty much learned to not expect to much over a trailer or a vid.
It looks good and interesting.

Though, ye, i have yet to see.
"<Nightin> i only watch gay porn for the plot"
Eroge Expert
Dude, what an obvious CoD rip off.

But seriously this looks pretty sick. But wouldn't it get a bit repetitive after a while with just the same old tactics?
My heart just wouldn't be in it, you know? haven't got one.
Originally Posted by Teknik View Post
But seriously this looks pretty sick. But wouldn't it get a bit repetitive after a while with just the same old tactics?

I hope they add some variety into it.
For instance, having to shoot out a tank driver through the viewing hole. Or environmental hazards that can link into "accidental" deaths - ala Hitman.
Originally Posted by Teknik View Post
Dude, what an obvious CoD rip off.

But seriously this looks pretty sick. But wouldn't it get a bit repetitive after a while with just the same old tactics?

how is it anything like CoD? I don't see kill streaks or tactical nukes anywhere
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
how is it anything like CoD? I don't see kill streaks or tactical nukes anywhere

Also, I never played the first, but it's my understanding that it was super realistic or something. I think I read a TVTropes page about it at some point. I really hope that this one can be fun (like CoD or BF3) but not so "realistic" that it becomes boring (like many moments in ArmA). Looks like it'll be okay though :v
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
This game looks Splinter Cell-esque with a dash of Sniper Ghost Warrior in there. I'm sure I'll be buying this whenever it is set to come out.
Originally Posted by spitfired View Post
hmm i played Sniper Elite in my ps2 and the graphics sucks

Well 2 main points.

- Gameplay makes a game, not Graphics
- This is a Xbox 360 and PS3 Game, the Graphics are going to have to be decent.
Originally Posted by spitfired View Post
hmm i played Sniper Elite in my ps2 and the graphics sucks

"graphics herr, graphics derr herpaderpa"

Sniper elite was still awesome.
Nothing had good graphics on the ps2.
But i still think that Dq: Jotck was the best game ever.

You suck my friend.
"<Nightin> i only watch gay porn for the plot"
Eroge Expert
Originally Posted by JellyNinja View Post
"graphics herr, graphics derr herpaderpa"

Sniper elite was still awesome.
Nothing had good graphics on the ps2.
But i still think that Dq: Jotck was the best game ever.

You suck my friend.

Kingdom hearts.
My heart just wouldn't be in it, you know? haven't got one.