Endurance Onslaught 6.0
We should let Poppo and Ult know about the idea and then plan the betting room for a certain time, so we have time to tell people and get ourselves ready.
I like the betting server idea. We have 10k to spare, and we may make more than 10k in profit from it.
That guy named Poppo
You know, the leader of Fyre.
Ok. We actually might not even need the decap prize anyway Bruce if we're going to do the win streak prize thing.
Poppo, We need more? I can go make some then donate like 5-10k just to be safe. (I know I keep saying I'll pay people but its a lot harder than you'd think to do what I'm doing :P)
i am only saying, because if we do a decap prize, only do it to the first decap. because if say.. there are a lot of decaps? then we are screwed.
i like cats
Then let's include one decap prize that will go to the person who get's the first decap and then have the win streak prizes.