would you rather have sex with men or women?
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
just came by to say that i hate gays but i gained a bit of respect for traps i guess, thanks for writing this whatever you are!
Originally Posted by Maya View Post
I don't associate "man" or "woman" with any particular physical features or sexual roles. I like more masculine bodies a little bit more than feminine bodies in general, but I'm attracted to masculine, feminine, and androgynous bodies. I enjoy submission and domination equally. I enjoy being penetrated more than I like penetrating others, but both are good.

You're a homophobe and a transphobe, fuck off

having qualities or appearance traditionally associated with men, especially strength and aggressiveness.

How do you associate the word "masculine"?
You can do you and all and write this big wall of text explaining to all of us thanks a lot I learned a bit from that, but on that whole community thing I’m not too sure about, you’re kinda sounding like a communism saying we have to follow other people about being nice and everyone has to act the same when we’re all obviously different. Also would like to touch on the part how for anything anyone says even when they’re not trolling or anything you immediately are saying they are a homophobe or transphobic for speaking out their opinions, I understand they may hurt sometimes but they are opinions therefore you don’t really have to listen to them but sometimes they’re not even meaning to be that way and you just immediately put a title on them, isn’t that what you are trying to clear up with everyone with your wall of text yet you put a title on others for some actions when they are opinions? Doesn’t that make you any less of a dickhead like the rest of these people??
Last edited by iTemp; Nov 22, 2019 at 06:26 AM.
I think these "phobic" words are used a little too loosely as well. insulting people for disagreeing with you or not believing you is no way to win people to your side.
Former Item Forger
both of those posts were intentionally transphobic/troll posts though. and, i mean, if that happens in a 5h old thread twice, imagine what goes on ingame for a week, a month or more
Last edited by Arctic; Nov 22, 2019 at 06:31 AM.
That was really bad sorry.
Someone tell me why this guy is highly respected by some people ???
Not saying actual instances of trolling, or transphobia don't happen. Merely that the accusation is thrown out so frivolously for innocent things.
Former Item Forger
Well, although you didn't respond to my dissection of the sentence I called out earlier, I think my point still stands on that earlier post. If I misinterpreted what you said in that post, then please correct me. Otherwise you did in fact state that if people don't believe trans people on merit that makes them transphobic. Which I would call using the term transphobic loosely.

Originally Posted by Stupinator View Post
"think we're making this shit up" aka not believing people on merit
"is transphobic" is transphobic

that is exactly what you said. unless I'm misunderstanding the first part of that sentence?

Last edited by Stupinator; Nov 22, 2019 at 06:43 AM.
Former Item Forger
By that logic if you ever assume anyone is trolling who claims attack helicopter status, you are transphobic.

Doubting peoples intentions or truthfulness is not something I would consider offensive, or transphobic.
Former Item Forger