I had downloaded some of your musics and when i was playing soccer, i let my cellphone with my friends and some of them heard the music and was like "what the fuck is this song".
I have nice friends.
parai com activamento de coutinho decunfiado com estraça que brila enquanto rebolade de carro do pinto do nada
He played skrillex and told him about you ._. cause he said he was surprised that i liked skrillex and he asked if i liked any other dubstep songs and i metioned you ._. and he looked it up on youtube :3
Don't leave me guy i've never talked to D:
Btw i need an art teacher some one who can teach me basics of gimp then go to medium then medium higher and if you feel like going to advanced i would be happy :3
Found this great story on

I have yet to do a single thing in Skyrim in the proper order. I'm constantly showing up to some dude's castle that I've never seen before, only to hand over a mystical item that I'd mentally scratched off as garbage hours ago, and then sit and listen to the story be retroactively explained to me:
King: Wanderer! Thank the gods you've come! The prophecy told us that a mighty warrior would arise, worthy of wielding Fjalnir, the God-axe, and slaying the evil Demon Prince Synraith. We believe you to be that warrior. What say you, traveler? Will you accept this task?
Me: Yea, verily I shall accept thine task and vanq- wait, Synraith? Fiery dude in a floating city? Cape made out of screeching souls? Ahhh, shit. I already killed that guy.
King: You ... already slew the Demon Prince, the Knife in the Dark, the Void at the Heart of All Men, whose identity you did not learn until just now?
Me: Yup. I saw that castle floating up in the sky, and I wanted to know if I could jump up the rocks to get in the back way. It took a lot of reloads, but I finally managed to hop on up in there.
King: You "hopped on up" into the Abyssal Palace?
Me: Yeeeep, yep yep yep. Just squat-jumped on in there and looted the place. Then I killed that Sydney guy-
King: Synraith, Demon Prince of the Abyss.
Me: -yeah him. I ganked that guy. Mostly just to see if I could. Plus he looked like kind of a dick.
King: Indeed, the Foulest of the Foul was "kind of a dick." But you vanquished him without the aid of sacred Fjalnir, the God-axe?
Me: Totally. It wasn't even a thing. I just hid on top of a bookshelf where he couldn't reach me and shot him with arrows. Then I waited until he forgot I was shooting him, and did it all again to get the sneak damage bonus. Took a while, but he died all the same.
King: Forsooth! Thine heroic deeds are ... well, that sounds kind of fucked up, actually. Never thought I'd feel bad for He Who Devours. So you have no need of our sacred totem weapon?
Me: What, the gold dealy, with the shiny bits? Nah, I already stole that out of the display case four hours ago, before I knew who you were. I gave it to Sven, but he Quantum Leaped out of the game with that shit.
King: Huh. So. I guess ... the bards will ... sing of your tale now?
Me: Oh yeah? Sweet, let's hear it.
Bard: The hero came with eyes aflame / his tasks already done / the land was rescued all the same / but 'tis kind of a shitty song.
Me: Word.
Here is the full thingy:
Aka jusmi.
So, just woke up to mom and sis screaming like hell about some makeup shit, my sis was in some lame party last night that she thought was soo cooool and took my mom's makeup shiz and someone stole them and now mom is fucking pissed off at my sis.
Shits fucking hilarious.
It's All About Expansion
pfft girls, how do they work?

Did you've even recorded it?
parai com activamento de coutinho decunfiado com estraça que brila enquanto rebolade de carro do pinto do nada