well once i had a dream where i was in the basement of some secret underwater facility taking swimming lessons and the lesson had ended for a while so I went upstairs to take a break and when i went back down there were a bunch of fat people having a rave and dancing and then i woke up
"Those stripes, that tail, that wiggle, wiggle, wiggle."
sleep paralysis.

I've done some research about it after a friend was telling me about his experiences with it. He said that he would wake up in the middle of the night, not able to move, and there would usually be some sort of creepy figure coming towards him. I know he had one with some sort of "evil santa" and another with old, hooded women laughing and coming to grab him.

Even though these aren't my personal experiences, I think they're still relevant.
[CENTER][B]professor finesser
'Bout to get sort of deep up in here.
When I was around 10, I had a pretty messed up dream. Me and my older brother were walking on a bridge. All that I really remember about it was that it was for pedestrians, and made of gray stone. The sides had those stereotypical castle wall ridges. We stopped and talked to this guy, and it somehow lead to him pulling a gun on my brother and shooting him multiple in the chest. I was screaming and crying while watching my brother fall. I don't remember what the other guy did. After a moment, I felt a soft kiss on my forehead and I woke up. I had tears pouring down my face, and the kiss on my head strongly lingered. It felt exactly as if it had happened in real life, which I was sure it did.

My mom was all the way on the other side of the house cooking breakfast with my brother, and my dad wasn't home. There was no way either of them would've been able to walk to my room, kiss me, and walk back, especially without me noticing. Knowing my mom and my brother now, I know they would have stayed behind and checked if I was okay, anyway. When I talked to them about it, they both seemed worried for me and said that they didn't hear me scream in my sleep or anything like that.

There was nothing around me that would've been able to feel like a kiss if it touched me, and there was nothing over my face or anything. It was summer, and I always slept without a blanket in the summer. I think about this event every once in a while, and it really makes me wonder if there really is a god or something watching over us. Pretty damn weird.
I had some dreams that would get me millions if I would ever visualize them. But after the border of fantasy I had "out of dreams" experience where I was dreaming about things that happened afterwards in "real life".

I came to the point that what we see as reality is the most extreme dream.
Enjoint life
Im at a surreal theme park, where the rides are whales, and they eat you then blow you out their blow holes, you go like 300m into the air, then youre falling, like really falling, see the ground coming closer, feel the wind, fear kicks in, all that good stuff.
sometimes I wake up, because the whole Hypnic jerk thing or whatever, othertimes I dont wake up and just hit the ground and decide to go for round 2, because that shit was fun.

Its a recurring dream, but starts differently everytime, sometimes theres someone with me, the person changes from time to time.

hypnic jerks and falling are linked to anxiety and irregular sleep schedules, so thats not particularly interesting, but its recurring, which says something (never really cared what)
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-