Sounds like all those cheekily worded "fixed" explanations up there

So I'll go ahead and answer the "spicing up question" of yours:

Yes, I have. Sort-of because I'm interested, but three out of the four I've taken were also because they're easy classes. As I usually do with easy classes, I pay the little attention it takes to get good grades out of them, instead of missing an opportunity for an easy 9 or 10.

That is, for the exception of the programming class. The three others were basic stuff: picture manipulation, using word and excel, so on (one in each secondary I've been in, and a third slightly more advanced one in the first year of high school, or the equivalent system we have). But the programming was the actual thing: c++. Not really advanced, but still, making programs yourself. I was very interested on the subject and even used some of my free time to finish the main work for it, a sucky text-based game with bugs and optimization issues (lol, it must be something of an accomplishment to make a poorly optimized <100kb program :P). Still, it's sort-of a game and I'm pretty satisfied with it.

Yes, that got me a 10.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
i did pay attention it was the other kids screwing around the messed it up
she assigned us extra assignments and i quote "you have an extra report and podcast to do and have no class time to do it and im not signing resource passes" i dont have a mac at home so i couldnt do a podcast so i got a zero on the assignment. and i did pay attention and if we even had our mouse above the safari button she would rip our head off
"you have an extra report and podcast to do and have no class time to do it and im not signing resource passes" i dont have a mac at home so i couldnt do a podcast so i got a zero on the assignment.

the god
I believe you got a 0 for that project, but not because the teacher gave you an assignment you could only do on a macintosh computer. So, EVERYONE else who had any computer other than a macintosh failed too huh? HAHA.
the god
seriously we were doing podcasts on garage band about how to do something we learned in class wth a parter and aparently we were too loud sou she gave us an extra asignment
Maybe it's for this reason:
She thinks that since she just got out of college that she thinks the following: That she knows more than you ever will, That she has the right to be like that because of the same thing, and that she is mad that she didn't get a better job than that and feels like taking out her frustration on you for no reason except that she's mad she wasted thousands of dollars on "education."
Either that, or she is just a friggin' jackass.
This was my attitude for freshman/sophomore year. Guess what, I kicked the habit and got straight A's my first MP as a junior. Buck up and stop complaining.
i have all B's except this class...
what ever its not so big of a deal because it was an elective so i dont have to retake it