If you want to do well in school, be sure to- Oh, skyrim.
New Zealand

PM Erth, he loves it.
<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks
One theory of motivation is based on rewards.
If you're shirking your responsibilities, then you must be getting short term rewards without doing your work. I always did HW first, then played later. There was no procrastination. The better I was at HW, the faster it got done, the more time I had later.

A second theory of motivation is to reduce the feeling of a need/urge. i.e. you eat in order to reduce hunger.
In your case, simply look at all the idiots around your school. Although you may be smarter, school will treat you as your grades are and you could possibly have to spend another year with them. The better you do, the sooner you can get out. Secondly, you'll also end up in a shittier college, with shittier people. Yuck.

I dabbled in a bit of psychology. I took a class in HS.
Originally Posted by Thorn View Post
Why do you have to take theology?

Mom's a hardcore christian fuck, made me go to a catholic high school. 4 years of theology is required.

Originally Posted by FNugget View Post
One theory of motivation is based on rewards.
If you're shirking your responsibilities, then you must be getting short term rewards without doing your work. I always did HW first, then played later. There was no procrastination. The better I was at HW, the faster it got done, the more time I had later.

A second theory of motivation is to reduce the feeling of a need/urge. i.e. you eat in order to reduce hunger.
In your case, simply look at all the idiots around your school. Although you may be smarter, school will treat you as your grades are and you could possibly have to spend another year with them. The better you do, the sooner you can get out. Secondly, you'll also end up in a shittier college, with shittier people. Yuck.

I dabbled in a bit of psychology. I took a class in HS.

I look at the first one as a "If I don't do my homework, then I already have much more time." :|

The second one actually makes a lot of sense. My biology class is filled with immature, loud, freshmen, and if I had to take that class again I'd kill myself.
bananananananananaananananananannanaa delicious
You are exactly like me sir,just that I get slightly better grades than you,not a big of a deal,though.You can always come out of your shell and beat the shit out of anyone(grades).
I play games and lift weights.